Category Archives: Blogging

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Use Cinemagraphs to bring website Life

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Many trend designs may come and go in the world of web design but some of them remain for quite a long period of time such as call to action buttons and emphasis on the scrolling which were more than just trends. They were successful in redefining the components of great web design and now they are common features in almost every website today.

Hero images are another example of a design trend which has shown evolution in unique ways. While they are still popular today but designers have combined hero image aesthetic and placed video in the background rather than a picture. But most recently, cinemagraphs have bridged the gap between photography and video by combining the strengths of each into a striking hybrid.

Cinemagraphs: It is a gif but more subtle or we can say a high definition photo with one element of that image moving such as flickering candle frame or hair waving in breeze etc. Here are some ways we can use cinemagraphs on our websites:

Better Project Pages: whenever people are scrolling down our pages for looking some information, we can make them stop for a while with cinemagraphs. We can offer alternate and more detailed views with these cinemagraphs of our products alongside the static photos we already have. Mostly photos are enhanced by subtle motion.

Get Attention on Landing Pages: Landing pages for the services and freelance work are the great potential to inculcate cinemagraphs especially if our landing pages are too long. If there is a beautiful cinemagraph at the start, it can tempt our users to read further. Placing these cinemagraphs at the end can be great payoff for the reader’s effort.

The first image on the landing page must be like the hero image which we are going to use on home page as it is the place for displaying the best product or drawing the viewer in so that they would keep scrolling.

About Pages: If a user is visiting our about page that means they are quite curious but they are totally convinced yet. They may be interested but looking for more information about our company. In this case, the right visual aid can help us in convincing them about our expertise.

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Increasing Customer Engagement with Chat-Bots

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At the time of creating websites, chatbots are one of the most essential things which we should keep in mind. These days’ chatbots are really popular techniques for client engagements. They have created a buzzword since Facebook has launched its messenger as chatbot platform. These chatbots can work on PAAS means platform as a service principle where it resolves user’s queries and respond accordingly.

Nowadays many eCommerce stores are adding chatbots for their online stores so that they could help customer in shopping better and easy way. This way, they can create a great customer engagement on their online stores.

Increase Functionality: It can perform its job in two ways as it can take user’s queries in natural language English as well as can respond to those queries through most accurate solutions. For understanding the queries, it uses NLP which is National Language Processing and then tries to find perfect matching keyword and answers to it by using artificial intelligence.

Usage: Currently, many applications are being used chatbots such as Facebook messenger, Ask Me or WeChat etc. among all of them, most of us are very well aware about the Facebook messenger as these all are used mostly for customer support, human source or for internet of things projects.

Design: Mostly the chatbots are for the websites where we can get them on the right side of the websites. We find these chatbots open when we visit any site to offer us help or assist us with basic navigation or queries.

Platform: We can also create our own chatbots for our websites by using the multiple platforms which are available in the market some of them are very popular such as Chatfield, Botsify etc. These platforms can be used in order to create and customized our bots functionality by creating the flow and machine learning capabilities and API integration.

Future Trend: In the future, it may be happening that NLP (National Language Processing) is replaced by NLU (National Language Understanding) soon. This will include voice in chatbots which will be more popular in comparison to use of keyboard for input or output.

It is always a good feeling to have a machine with a human touch and when it comes to the language and communication, we mostly prefer to speak in our native language.

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Speeding Up UX with Skeleton Screens

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It is very common with us that sometimes when we are on the particular site and clicked on something but get nothing in revert and out of frustration, we click on that again and also reverse our action by trying something else. This is a clear case of a site suffering with UX issues.

Obviously we find it annoying that we are clicking on something, work is being done by sending data back and forth behind the scenes but we are getting nothing on our computer. This issue may be because of large downloading or overloading of server but that is not our concern.

All we know is that it is very annoying to witness nothing happening on our computer b clicking on some buttons. This is where the skeleton screens can be very helpful in alleviating the perception of inactivity. We can also retain traffic on our site and reduce bounce rates.

Skeleton Screens: It is much like we are building a house and there is a basic outline for every website where we know the location of everything from graphics and subject matter and so much before the actual work is being done. Through this, we can decide how our website should going on to look before going though the process of making it.

A skeleton screen will show our visitors what they can expect and where. Although it does not provide all the information about our website to the user but it allows people to know in some milliseconds where they should shift their focus. As soon as they get the actual information, they are already looking at the right place.

Sometimes it is executed correctly but they do not even realize that they are looking at the Skeleton screen. The idea behind the skeleton screens is that the site could come up immediately as the brain registered something being on the screen and by the time, he finds his focus and words on the screen.

These skeletons screens can be used in programs all the time. They can be used on the websites as well as applications so that we could give the perception that the program is faster than actually.

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All about Application Stack

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The concept of the application stack is mainly a combination of programming languages, tools and frameworks that are being used by the developers so that he could create web and mobile applications. It includes two main components to any application which are known as client side and server side also called as front end and back end.

A stack is created by building one layer of applications atop the other through the codes and hardware modules ranging from generic to specific. It contains different layers of components and servers that can use by developers for building the software applications and solutions.

Anatomy of applications stack: As we know that tech stack comes with the two software components which are front end and back end.

Front End (Client Side): As its name suggests that it is where the real interaction with the user happens. In this, the user will interact with the website or the web app or mobile app depending what he is using.

Front end includes three main technologies:
• HTML – It is markup language
• CSS – The style sheet
• JavaScript – it is browser scripting language

The biggest advantage of these frameworks is that they give us the opportunity to create high intuitive user interfaces. The both are languages are independent and the type of stack does not matter which we are using for the server side, it will still function automatically as per our expectations.

Backend (Server Side): This consists a server along with an application and database. Server side is the umbrella term which is used by the developers to perform the following functions for the websites such as programming the business logic and working with databases etc.

This server side stack is able to respond to user requests as well as accesses the databases and executive simple create, read, update and delete operations. The most popular backend stacks which are used by the developers are LAMP and Python.

Middleware: This concept is little bit more esoteric and also consists application servers, content managements systems as well as web servers and similar tools that are supporting app development and delivery. It facilitates standard communication and management of data between the front end and back end of tech stack.

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Front End Vs Back End Developers

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If you have an interest in programming, website development and application development, then probably the developing career is the right choice for you. When it comes to the developers, it includes two groups to choose form which are front end developers and back end developers.

Here are some of essential points of differences in these two developers in terms of description, skills, and programming languages to help you in your decision:


Front End Developers: A front end developer is a person who is able to create the front end of a website or other applications. It is the part that users engage with in order to get to the information in the back end.

Back End Developers: On the other hand, a back end developer is someone who creates the storage and output capabilities of this information. It works on optimizing the database as well as customizing the Word-press. In addition to this, it also creates the plugins needed to create the overall functionality of the client website.

Skills: We often think that what kinds of skills are needed by front end and back end developers? Well, the answer is here. Both are required to perform some heavy lifting in the programming department.

From end developers are needed to have a better grab for the user interface design and visual appeal in comparison to the back end developers. Additional skills that they are needed is that will have to go beyond programming which also includes the ability to wireframe a website layout and design as well as creating the website designs in PSD and turn them into the functional websites.

On the other hand, the back end developers have some sort to do with the design of the website or application. They mainly concentrate on what makes everything work behind the scenes. If any person is interested in design, then back end development is the right choice for you.

Programming Languages:

The front end developers should possess only these front end languages which are HTML, CSS, IQuery and JavaScript.
While the back end developers have to be expert in the programming languages that are rendering on the server side of the website or application. The most popular programming languages are PHP. Ruby on Rails and Java.

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How SEO Spend their Time

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When it comes to SEO, every businessman wants immediate results for their websites so that they could stand on the number one page ranking spot on Google. There are also many website owners who possess unrealistic expectations and often imagine instant result just after starting working on their SEO strategy but the truth is that it is a time consuming and requires lot of efforts.

It is not a magic wand as it takes time, planning and maintenance to achieve and maintain the ranking as well as ROI and traffic results which we want to accomplish. If we want speedy results, it will end up in harming us in the long term run as Google has become automatically suspicious if any website gets sudden results.

Keyword Targeting and competitor analysis: Generally the concept of competitor analysis is underestimated but we can learn a lot by analyzing our competitors if they dominate search results. We can learn valuable tools to incorporate into our own SEO strategy to achieve a higher ranking quicker. Keyword research is also an important factor in how long SEO takes.

Inbound Links: Links play a huge role in SEO but their impact on how long it takes depends on the various deeper factors in which first thing is volume of links to our website as more links will help us in achieving SEO success more quickly.

Content: The published content on our website has an important role in quickly seeing our results and the very first thing on which we should concentrate is that quality matters a lot. It should be unique and original.

Fixing Errors, Hosting issues and Penalties: Fixing the damage such as SEO errors, unauthentic website hosting and Google penalties is another issue that comes when trying to achieve a better ranking. Depending on the number of 404 errors, broken links, 301 redirects and inconsistent optimization, we can see the positive results in less time after resolving these issues.

SEO friendly design and structure: These all are the large and essential component to our website traffic and ranking along with the CMS system and URL structure as they all are the areas of concern which can drag down our page ranking. We must ensure our site’s structure and URL structure which supports proper optimization for the high ranking.

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Why Not opt for Manual PPC?

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Bid Management is a very tricky subject to understand and when it comes to bidding try to let the machine work the job. The mechanical or automotive system will be best for the tedious work of calculating CPC. Management is not traditionally part of marketing bur marketers do research for the bidding as it will serve a great measure for the business development.

The appropriate answer will be the elusion of pay-per-click (PPC) from early 2000s and the introduction of new platform with a different language for the advertisers. Google Ads (Adwords) allows advertisers to set maximum cost-per-click (CPC), the companies advertisers represented and are more concerned about the driving visibility, generating sales and getting leads. For the target rank these things are that are helpful and there are other more like cost per acquisition (CPA) or return on advertising spend (ROAS).

Automotive or mechanical comes out of necessity because when pay-per-click acts as a bridge the disconnect there comes the people managing accounts to convert the business goals into the type of bids Google needed. This is why search marketing is a core part of bid management.

Once bid management was a simple setting of bidding maximum CPC, but with time and introduction of new levers for bid adjustments to control for day partying, geographical locations, devices, demographics and also custom audience made it complex. With the adjustments, a single keyword solitary could need upwards of 10,000 bids to account every possible scenario.

This take too much time and understanding so now machine learning makes sense for all automated bidding with better results. Search engines are on constant watch on to the ads that appear next to billion searches and to predict new searches for business. Those search engines are evolving constantly evolving based on how well predictions are matched with the world.

With the changing scenarios one should prefer computer working then manual bidding management. Even with the automating system simple throwing system is not the option, one need to consider different options for automating, both free solutions as well as solutions offered by engines along with third party system.

Google Ads script is an option for bid management or marcos spreadsheet to record and replicate the process. For improving the performance many black boxes need to be rendered and with transparency additional outputs can be taken from advertisers.

A significant role can be played by humans in bid management, but that role is not manage CPCs manually. Things need to focus:-

1. Selection of appropriate automation.
2. Installing the solution and implementing with tracking feature.
3. Operations need to be monitored regularly.
4. With the needs of advertiser better alignment can be done tweaking targets.

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SEO Mistakes to Avoid

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If we want to reach our business and websites to the maximum people, a successful Search Engine Optimization is really important. It helps us in getting higher ranking and increasing traffic on our sites so that we could stand among the competitors. But there are a few misconceptions about SEO especially for the new bloggers.

Here are some SEO tips which give us a glimpse of what can cost us in terms of rankings:

Keywords Stuffing: Some people think that if they use their targeting keywords in every sentence of content, it would boost their ranking but it is not true. In fact, going overboard with using keywords is registered as spammy by many search engines. It can hurt our SEO performance and not crucial to our SEO success.

Title Tags and Meta Tags: Quality content is not worthy until we include a target keyword in them. Title tags and Meta descriptions are essential factors of our SEO that should not be ignored and skipping or copying them can be a terrible mistake. These are considered by search engines when crawling our website. They can improve performance of content.

Quality Content: For successful SEO, we should grasp over quality external links included in the content. It is more important than their quantity. Our link should deal with relevant and well ranking websites with amazing reputations.

Mobile Friendly Experience: SEO optimization is not only about content and keywords rather quality of website in terms of performance on mobile devices as they are the first choice of users today. Search engines can recognize when our website is not mobile friendly.

Purchasing Links: If we are paying for our links, Google will crack down on us as today search engines have become more sophisticated and crack down hard on anyone crossing the line.

Analytics: For a successful SEO optimization and make our content efforts work, tracking their progress is really important. Setting up and regularly reviewing our analytics is essential for our optimization results.

Duplicate Content: This is the most common mistake which every blogger does. It is not only harmful for our Google ranking but also motivates visitors to leave our site. Our content should be unique and fresh. We can go for info graphic but it must be our own.

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How to Target the Right Keywords?

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If we want the successful Search Engine Optimization of our websites and business, the task of picking up the right keyword and keyword phrases is one of the most important steps. As increasing traffic to our sites is our first priority but attracting the right audience is simultaneously important.

The idea is that different keywords represent different levels of interest and intent. Keywords are characterized by the type and arranged by their effectiveness at converting.

Brand Terms: The people who are already familiar with our brand and business are the easiest of all to convert but in case of volume, these keywords might not produce the most impressions or page views but they can have the best conversion rates.

Product Terms: It includes the basic details about our products and it’s working along with its efficiency. Based on the diversion of array of products or services, the list could be big. Users who are searching for these terms are a little further back in the decision cycle and our cost per action can be higher than on brand terms.

Competitors Terms: There was a also a time of paid search marketing in which the competitors terms were second in terms of brand and conversion rate and CPA efficiency. But in the recent years, Google has tightened up their quality score requirements and now is really impossible to get the reasonable cost per click on the competitor terms.

Substitute Product Terms: This is something that someone can use rather than of our product such as if we are selling pens, we might consider bidding on pencils. In the competitive terms, Google will not give us a lot of credit for the relevance on these terms so they can be more expensive to bid on for the pay per click.

Complementary Product Terms: These are the things which are really helpful in our product such as TV stands if we are selling TVs. Basically they are someone else’s product terms but we can get some marginal conversions with them.

Audience Terms: This category considers all kinds of other terms for which people in our target audience might be searching for. Generally the impression volume is vast on these words so it can be tempting category to try.

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Follow these ways to avoid duplicate content

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Indexing and Crawling is the first step for any site beginning even before thinking about getting the best rank. The best chance of getting your pages indexed in search results are as follows. Crawling and indexing issues in search engines are mostly with E-commerce site as they are much complex and notorious than any other type of sites for developing URL structures. In order to avoid duplicate content and crawling budget complications, it should be controlled.

For sites’ indexation optimization these tips may help you:-

Know what’s in Google’s index

First and foremost step is to check how many of your pages Google reports as indexed and this is possible by using this “”, search on Google and check and get the results of your sites across the web. It is the easiest way to identify whether or not something is seriously off with your site’s indexing. All those platforms like content-management system, e-commerce, and sitemap and server files number must match perfectly or at least with any disparity addressed and explained. Those numbers are later reflected in Google site operator search. Smart working on-site SEO helps a site to avoid duplicate content and structural problems that can create indexing issues.

Optimize Sitemaps

These three elements sitemaps, robot.txt and navigation links are fundamentals to strong indexation and have been covered in depth and mentioning them will be appropriate. Sitemap is much more important than internal links. Even search results for “head” keywords can include pages with no inbound links and also no internal links.
Through sitemap only Google is able to know about these pages. Other two fundamentals are equally important and it’s important to make sure that robots.txt is functional; this isn’t blocking Google from any parts of your site you want to be too indexed. Absence of it may bring your site down and it can cause Google to stop indexing their site altogether. Lastly, an intuitive and logical navigational link structure is a must for good indexation. At least one link on your site should br reachable and good UX practices are essential.

Handle URL Parameters

For the infinite space URL parameters are very common cause and duplicate content, which severely limits crawl budget and can dilute signals. They are variables added to your website URL structure that carry server instructions used to do things like:

1. Sort Items
2. Store user session information
3. Filter items
4. Customize Page Appearance
5. Return in-site results
6. Track ad campaign or signal information to Google Analytics