Tag Archives: Duplicate content

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Different Aspects of Technical SEO

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We all know that SEO matters a lot in online businesses if we own a website and content is like the lifeblood of SEO but SEO is as important as the content but technical SEO refers to any SEO activities which do not include the content. It is the foundation of your website which gives our content the best chance to rank in the search engines through relevant keywords and phrases.

Technical SEO is the main reason for the search engines to crawl to our website and index the site. It can analyze the search engines techniques for accessing and crawling to our site.

Why Technical SEO is important? We are having a car with super sporty body with good fuel capacity but we cannot imagine the car without the good mechanics to run with as it will not be powerful. The same condition is with SEO. Only having the great content on the site is not sufficient enough if our website is not technically sound. Technical SEO should be combined with other SEO factors in order to make the SEO strategies successful.

Here, go through the few of the technical aspects of SEO:

Conducting technical SEO audit: Technical SEO audit is simply the process of finding out any issue which is acting as barrier for search engine to crawl to our site.  It also gives us the opportunity to know the possibilities for improving the site performance. In order to create a template of all the technical issues and then resolve it one by one.

Mobile optimization: It is must as today mobile users have increased to the great extent than desktop users. If our site is not mobile optimized, it is definitely a bad sign. The mobile traffic is more than the desktop traffic which means that mobile users are the ones who are visiting the site and making purchases.

Check the Robots.txt file: This file is something which would tell search engines those parts or pages of the site to be crawled and which not to be crawled. The crawled pages are those which are visible to the users and not crawling pages are those which are visible to site administrators.  The reason behind checking is that whether the entire website may have been blocked by the site owners.

Duplicate content: Google do not like the duplicate content but it can be found on both on site and off site. So we need to be careful in finding out both as if our website is having more number of duplicate content, then our site will be penalized by the search engines.

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Follow these ways to avoid duplicate content

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Indexing and Crawling is the first step for any site beginning even before thinking about getting the best rank. The best chance of getting your pages indexed in search results are as follows. Crawling and indexing issues in search engines are mostly with E-commerce site as they are much complex and notorious than any other type of sites for developing URL structures. In order to avoid duplicate content and crawling budget complications, it should be controlled.

For sites’ indexation optimization these tips may help you:-

Know what’s in Google’s index

First and foremost step is to check how many of your pages Google reports as indexed and this is possible by using this “site:example.com”, search on Google and check and get the results of your sites across the web. It is the easiest way to identify whether or not something is seriously off with your site’s indexing. All those platforms like content-management system, e-commerce, and sitemap and server files number must match perfectly or at least with any disparity addressed and explained. Those numbers are later reflected in Google site operator search. Smart working on-site SEO helps a site to avoid duplicate content and structural problems that can create indexing issues.

Optimize Sitemaps

These three elements sitemaps, robot.txt and navigation links are fundamentals to strong indexation and have been covered in depth and mentioning them will be appropriate. Sitemap is much more important than internal links. Even search results for “head” keywords can include pages with no inbound links and also no internal links.
Through sitemap only Google is able to know about these pages. Other two fundamentals are equally important and it’s important to make sure that robots.txt is functional; this isn’t blocking Google from any parts of your site you want to be too indexed. Absence of it may bring your site down and it can cause Google to stop indexing their site altogether. Lastly, an intuitive and logical navigational link structure is a must for good indexation. At least one link on your site should br reachable and good UX practices are essential.

Handle URL Parameters

For the infinite space URL parameters are very common cause and duplicate content, which severely limits crawl budget and can dilute signals. They are variables added to your website URL structure that carry server instructions used to do things like:

1. Sort Items
2. Store user session information
3. Filter items
4. Customize Page Appearance
5. Return in-site results
6. Track ad campaign or signal information to Google Analytics

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Links which are harmful for your website

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Whether you are running a website for business or other purpose, you should know about every SEO sin that can penalize your website. Among different search engines Google is the one that launches latest version of algorithms more frequently. And the one that is not aware of the latest SEO techniques to be followed has to pay for it.

Orca-harmful links

Back links is the term which can be traced in SEO techniques from times and is working well till now. It is usually added on others blogs or websites that is helps in driving traffic towards your website. If you are looking for best position in SERP, then back links can really help you a lot. Getting back links to your website is not a difficult task, but what one needs to consider here, is to the follow the way that is permitted by Google. Natural links and unnatural links are the two different types of links that can be good or bad for your website.

Reciprocal links are the other links in this category in which webmaster links to your website and your website and you also link to his or her website. Although this can help you to some extent in raising your search engine position, but Google doesn’t see them as earned. Bad links are one of the worst links which can take your website to trouble. So, as a precaution avoid to these links and if by chance you get these links just remove them.

Most common bad links are from social bookmarking websites, the links from pages with very less content, link directories, back links of those websites which have duplicate content and Links from irrelevant websites and content.

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Little description of the Google’s Lesser Known Ranking Factors

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Google’s ranking factors are always a topic of discussion for every web user. Those who constantly work for their online business promotion are worried about every activity of Google. Ranking on the top most positions in Google is the top most priority of most of the web sites. Read on to know in detail about some of the lesser known ranking factors of Google.

How-Google-Determines-PageRankKey Words
Key words play a great role in Google ranking. Description tags, keywords in titles, and H1 tags all are very important for website ranking. Have you ever thought of that how the search engine works. When we type a query, the Google brings out the results with highest page rank. If the key word is proper we get what we are expecting, but if the key words are not proper, you might get something that you were not expecting. So every web user has to be very specific while working with key words. Targeting key words and using it in the content is very important for being ranked in the top 10 of Google.

Duplicate Content
Even slightly modified content will be marked as duplicate content in search engines. If the post covers the same thing twice on your site than this will be taken into consideration. The rel=canonical tag can be used for alerting Google that for a reason you have duplicated the content. If you don’t use the tag properly you can be penalized also.

Social Media
Having a well-positioned URL that tops all search engine rankings with its high number of Likes, Shares, Tweets, etc are some of the factors that are paid heed today also. Social signals are positively co-related to search engine rankings. So, your efforts on Face book or Twitter all are worth ed.

Page Links
The amount and quality of links still play the same role in Google search engine rankings of websites like before. Like page authority this also takes into account not only the amount of links but also the quality of those links.

Image Optimization
Images inserted on website send search engines important relevancy signals through their lt text, title, file name, description and caption.

Content Updates Magnitude
Edits and changes on the page is also a factor of prime importance. Adding or removing entire sections is a more significant update than switching around the order of a few words.

Ultimately comes that name for which this is all about. Visitors that visit the page or the site for the information also affects ranking to great extent. Besides this how many visitors return how many visits you receive and the rate of change (increase or decrease) of new visits.

Unique Content
Google likes unique content, so updating your site at regular intervals is a plus. Quality content brings additional advantage for the website holder. This is the reason that official blogs are advised for business sites, because every page of blog adds some fresh content and besides this you have something new every time for the visitors.

Grammar and Spelling in Content
Proper grammar and spelling is a mark of quality content. Content with poor grammar and spelling can be symbolized as lower quality content according to search engines. .