Follow these ways to avoid duplicate content

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Follow these ways to avoid duplicate content

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Indexing and Crawling is the first step for any site beginning even before thinking about getting the best rank. The best chance of getting your pages indexed in search results are as follows. Crawling and indexing issues in search engines are mostly with E-commerce site as they are much complex and notorious than any other type of sites for developing URL structures. In order to avoid duplicate content and crawling budget complications, it should be controlled.

For sites’ indexation optimization these tips may help you:-

Know what’s in Google’s index

First and foremost step is to check how many of your pages Google reports as indexed and this is possible by using this “”, search on Google and check and get the results of your sites across the web. It is the easiest way to identify whether or not something is seriously off with your site’s indexing. All those platforms like content-management system, e-commerce, and sitemap and server files number must match perfectly or at least with any disparity addressed and explained. Those numbers are later reflected in Google site operator search. Smart working on-site SEO helps a site to avoid duplicate content and structural problems that can create indexing issues.

Optimize Sitemaps

These three elements sitemaps, robot.txt and navigation links are fundamentals to strong indexation and have been covered in depth and mentioning them will be appropriate. Sitemap is much more important than internal links. Even search results for “head” keywords can include pages with no inbound links and also no internal links.
Through sitemap only Google is able to know about these pages. Other two fundamentals are equally important and it’s important to make sure that robots.txt is functional; this isn’t blocking Google from any parts of your site you want to be too indexed. Absence of it may bring your site down and it can cause Google to stop indexing their site altogether. Lastly, an intuitive and logical navigational link structure is a must for good indexation. At least one link on your site should br reachable and good UX practices are essential.

Handle URL Parameters

For the infinite space URL parameters are very common cause and duplicate content, which severely limits crawl budget and can dilute signals. They are variables added to your website URL structure that carry server instructions used to do things like:

1. Sort Items
2. Store user session information
3. Filter items
4. Customize Page Appearance
5. Return in-site results
6. Track ad campaign or signal information to Google Analytics