Tag Archives: Chat-Bots

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Increasing Customer Engagement with Chat-Bots

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At the time of creating websites, chatbots are one of the most essential things which we should keep in mind. These days’ chatbots are really popular techniques for client engagements. They have created a buzzword since Facebook has launched its messenger as chatbot platform. These chatbots can work on PAAS means platform as a service principle where it resolves user’s queries and respond accordingly.

Nowadays many eCommerce stores are adding chatbots for their online stores so that they could help customer in shopping better and easy way. This way, they can create a great customer engagement on their online stores.

Increase Functionality: It can perform its job in two ways as it can take user’s queries in natural language English as well as can respond to those queries through most accurate solutions. For understanding the queries, it uses NLP which is National Language Processing and then tries to find perfect matching keyword and answers to it by using artificial intelligence.

Usage: Currently, many applications are being used chatbots such as Facebook messenger, Ask Me or WeChat etc. among all of them, most of us are very well aware about the Facebook messenger as these all are used mostly for customer support, human source or for internet of things projects.

Design: Mostly the chatbots are for the websites where we can get them on the right side of the websites. We find these chatbots open when we visit any site to offer us help or assist us with basic navigation or queries.

Platform: We can also create our own chatbots for our websites by using the multiple platforms which are available in the market some of them are very popular such as Chatfield, Botsify etc. These platforms can be used in order to create and customized our bots functionality by creating the flow and machine learning capabilities and API integration.

Future Trend: In the future, it may be happening that NLP (National Language Processing) is replaced by NLU (National Language Understanding) soon. This will include voice in chatbots which will be more popular in comparison to use of keyboard for input or output.

It is always a good feeling to have a machine with a human touch and when it comes to the language and communication, we mostly prefer to speak in our native language.