Tag Archives: Google +

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Learn some amazing facts of Google

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Google came into existence when two students pursuing Ph.D. at Stanford University name Larry Page and Sergey Brin. There are much better to know about Google than their founders and existence and there is always something hidden and this massively successful company has a simple layout though. Google has always done things differently, and that keep things fresh, immersive and consistently progressive.

Let just go through the points about Google and deeply learning about it.

  1. The entire written works of mankind from the beginning of the recorded history in all languages i.e. 50 petabytes.
  2. 20 Petabytes of the data in Google is processed on a daily basis.
  3. At least once a day every person uses Google.
  4. The number of languages Google homepage has set-up is 88 including Urdu, Latin, Klingon. These all are developed by the employees of Google who are very equipped in python, C++, Java.
  5. A human will take 95,116 years to do manual searches on Google that do to even of 50 million pages.
  6. Google has records of data’s that existed way 100000 years back, how Homo sapiens came into life, till the 1st
  7. The traffic increased when spell checker was introduced that means “Did you mean” feature. One of the biggest leaps in search usage introduced by Google.
  8. The feature of “Do you mean” is used by 20 percentile of people and at least 5 percentile of people use a particular search preference before it will make it into “Advanced Preferences.
  9. Google records everything and around 620000000 visitors visit Google on a daily basis.
  10. The front page of Google is simple because the founders of Google didn’t know HTML and just wanted a quick interface.

Google has turned into so much more than just a search engine, bringing out the innovative ideas and trying out new things on almost a daily basis. It’s hard to imagine where they’ll venture next, though I’m curious to know what the next Google Doodle is going to be.

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How Google Works?

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Google is technically complex platform to understand. You got a query or confusion; search it on Google. There are hundreds of different factors taken into account so that the search engine can figure out what should go where. It’s like a mysterious black box, and very few people know exactly what’s inside. Ah, good news to tell every curious learner that search engines are actually pretty easy to understand.

We may not know every single factor but we also need don’t need to. So here are the answers with all wonders or query you type on Google search field and learn with these points mentioned below.

  1. Web crawlers, also known as Google bots. Google sends these crawlers that go through all the web pages on the World Wide Web.
  2. These bots are made of millions of computers that surf the web much like how people do it, except they do it much more quickly. It is necessary to make sure that you have the most current and updated sites, these Google bots are working all the time, crawling and re-crawling websites.
  3. How often a site is crawled depends on how quickly its content changes. Explaining through example is any newspaper or update will crawl up more often because the website content is getting updated regularly and much better than a static website. Webmaster can also indicate how often they want their sites to be crawled.
  4. All the links can be detected by bots on the sites, which are then, go through the queue system for crawling later on. Search ranking of the site is very much dependent on these links.
  5. Google Index database keeps the copies stored and the index works like the contents page of a book and contains all the possible search terms.
  6. When anyone types in a query in the search engines, the index will match the query with all the web pages in which the query terms appear and then grab the pages for the search results.
  7. A short page of the description will appear relating to the written query.
  8. All the WebPages works and ranked according to the relevance before they are displayed on the result page. Google considers around 200 factors when ranking sites. One of the important things to learn is page rank, which takes into consideration how many sites are linked to a web page and the quality of the linking sites.

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Google Mobile First Indexing Checklist

Google Mobile First Indexing Checklist

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Versatile First Indexing is making a buzz in the realm of computerized promoting in 2018. All online journals and articles are giving you guidance on hows, whys, and whats of Google’s most recent take off. Be that as it may, everyone is discussing what could possibly be done. No one is advising the exact advances you have to take.
Here, is the agenda for Google Mobile First Indexing that each advertiser an entrepreneur ought to have and take after.

A. Portable Version Configuration

The primary thing on the rundown is to check if the portable variant of the site is in both of the underneath specified design:

Responsive Web Design

Dynamic Serving

Separate URLs (m-dab or portable site)

If not, at that point you know the appropriate response – get one.

B. Load Time and Page Speed

Each computerized advertiser deserving at least some respect knows the significance of load time and page speed. This is incorporated with the markup of any great computerized change. Systems for Mobile First Indexing SEO will be the same. Here is a rundown of things you have to check:

1. Check and enhance portable load time

Instruments, for example, Pingdom or GT Metrix can be utilized to decide stack time and extent of enhancement for the versatile variant of the site

2. Check and upgrade with Google PageSpeed Insights

Google’s devices including Google PageSpeed Insights, Google Analytics, etc., are fundamental to check for page speed on versatile.

Meta Tags and every single Other Tag

Indeed, every web-based advertising individual and organization knows the high significance of Tags in content creation and SERP rankings. You can’t overlook your Meta Data and different labels while upgrading for Mobile First Indexing 2018.

1. Check and improve the Meta labels for portable variant

You may have the title and depictions of your site prepared, yet what should be checked is – are they present and open to the mobile bot.

2. Check and streamline the alt labels for portable adaptation

It is evaluated that about 70% of the clients are utilizing their cell phones for looks. It is basically the alt labels of pictures ought to be open to the mobile bot.

3. Check and advance organized information or composition labels for a versatile rendition

The work area variant of your site may have enhanced for outline labels. In any case, for Mobile First Indexing SEO to work diagram labels or organized information ought to likewise be intelligible in portable rendition (or on the versatile site).

B. Portable Friendliness

1. Check and improve the site for versatile amicability

Before you start actualizing the progressions, the time has come to check the portable agreeableness of your site by utilizing Google’s Mobile Friendly test apparatus. The instrument will give you a precise course required to accomplish ideal versatile agreeableness.

2. Check and resolve versatile ease of use mistakes

Utilize the Mobile Usability in Google Search Console to check and resolve any mistakes concerning portable ease of use of the web composition.

All in all, we as a whole know, mobiles are an expansion of our everyday lives. Responsive web architectures empower exercises from data chasing, meeting due dates, individual shopping, social discussions, etc. on the move.The most recent take off is only the start of a few noteworthy changes we can expect in the following couple of years concerning Internet promoting.

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Does the Page Load Speed really affect Google Rankings?

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Page ranking on Google search engine has been the matter of prime importance for website owners. And they really pay heed to it.  They leave no stone unturned to raise their website ranking. And a few years before it was concluded that time needed to load a website really affects its ranking on search engines too. Read on to know in detail about it.


First we try to understand this point from a layman view. If an online user searching something opens your website and it takes in loading, then definitely he or she will look for the options. As in this tech world time matters a lot and seconds too value a lot. So, obviously Google will rank those sites high on the search engines which can be loaded in least time. And if your website takes time then it will have a lower ranking although it has quality content too.

Google Chrome, Google Toolbar data and Google Analytics are the different sources which give the speed related information to Google. One can know about the page speed from the Labs section of the webmasters tool.  Quality is the criteria of prime importance on Google and on all aspects it is considered. So all those who are thinking to generate business from their website should measure the loading speed of their website and if it’s less than they should work on it. Upgrading the server, using codes and files can help in increasing the speed of the website to a considerable extent. This in turn will Help in converting users to clients and customer satisfaction too.

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Effective ways to market your Blog

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Blog writing is the easiest way now-a-days to use your right to expression in so many ways. Also, it is a ready source to get useful information on niche topics for a wide range of users. People usually follow their favorite writers or public figures via their blogs.

On the contrary, despite of providing high quality information on important topics, some blogs could remain deprived of required amount of traffic. No matter what you are providing in your blog, if its not reaching to its target audience, its a far cry in oblivion.

In order to make it on Google top list, a blog has to be optimized and required to be carried on the “Online Platforms” effectively and regularly.


Here are some easy to practice tips in order to market your blog effectively and make it a success in web world.

Keep it Social Media Friendly:
How would you feel, if you dress impeccably, while putting the perfect make up on and with the right choice of accessories but still no one even look at you, let alone compliment you because you are locked up in a room! Cherry on the top – no one even knows that you are in that room.

I know, that would make you feel very angry and disappointed but isn’t it the same situation what is happening to your blog where you are writing all the good information about different topics but not showcasing it properly to world and still clueless that why on earth your blog is not getting any attention!

 The simple solution would be – to link your blog with your social media profiles, like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked-In, StumbleUpon or Pinterest etc. Once you’re done writing and proof reading your article, post it on your blog and make sure that a link or a part of your post is being shown on your social media profiles.

Also, share your post with related groups. For example, if you are writing about Web Promotion, then target people who are related with SEO, Web or any other kind of Media promotion. This simple trick would gain a lot of attention for your blog.

 Keep yourself “email list” ready
Your email list is your best friend, where all the contacts, you have ever earned are resting together. Just believe in those who have trusted you so far and keep on adding lot more.

Please do not panic, if you still do not have a list at back and call, since all you have to do now is – to get an ‘Auto-responder’ account, which will start collating an email list for you from the moment you use it.

There are some websites like MadMimi and Mailchimp are also available, which offers you to integrate with their auto responders so that you’d get a chance to grow your email list.

 Be the Guest Blogger

There are several sites/ blogs are available, where they accept guest posts. It is a good way to sharpen your writing skills and to divert people to your own blog from a different blog zone.

The more guest posts you publish, the large no. of people would acknowledge your writing and would look for you in order to seek more information.

Build Links to build reputation

It might look like a complicated process but it is one of the foolproof ways wherein you link external blogs or website to your blog manually. This can be done by either Blog Commenting or Guest Blogging.

 For Blog Commenting, simply go to other blogs and leave a review wherein you link back your blog to that page or blog. This process should be practiced religiously or else it would not fruit powerfully.

 Keep your blog ‘Book Marked’
Some websites like Bookmarkfly or StumbleUpon provides you with the opportunity to get yourself registered on such a platform from where you would get nothing but attention if you get noticed even once!

All you have to do is to get your registration done and finally speak your wonderful mind out.

Apart from using different tricks and techniques in order to make your blog a hit, there is a basic step you should never forget and which is to keep your posts simple enough to understand and update regularly. This is the mantra because “what lies in front of eyes, bind with your mind”.

So keep posting, use appropriate and eye-catching visuals, keep it crisp, in short – Happy Blogging!

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Web Design: Deadly Misconceptions that Every Client should Know

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Website designing seems very easy to some people, but some find it very difficult. Clients make a number of misconceptions regarding website design. Here we have discussed a few things that can help in understanding different aspects related to web design. Read on to know in detail.


1. Everyone Can do it
In the world of internet everything seems easy and every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks that he can also design website. But, it is not at all like that. Everyone is not a designer and understanding what will really look beautiful is not at all easy. Tutorials of PhotoShop and knowledge of HTML and CSS is not only enough to make you a designer, you should have the creativity to turn things amazing.

2. New Website will attract new customers
Most of the clients think that by designing a new website they can attract new customers. But, this is totally a wrong conception, as a new website is for the beginners. How can your potential customers know about you, if you launch a new shiny website. They can’t find it on their own; they need an access to it. To approach a wider audience you can choose social media platform.

3. Design should be browser compatible
Website designed should be always compatible on all the browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. It should look identical on all the browsers. So developers should properly work on coding.

4. Content
Most of the clients believe that to make their website better they should include a lot of content. But, unfortunately unnecessary content can overwhelm and distract your readers too. Quality content adds a value to the website, but to some extent, so stop putting excess content.

5. Empty space
Empty space available on the website should not be always crammed with content and images. Visual breaks look good on any website. Well planned white space is not a waste space; it is a design element and looks good.

6. Flash intro
Adobe Flash is mostly used by designers for animating banners and buttons during designing a website. But now designers are moving away from it, as it is not at all mobile friendly.

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What engaging titles can do for your website?

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Title is the first visible content of an article.  A reader visiting a website first goes through the heading to judge whether the content will be appropriate or not. Once he analyses the title then he decides to continue reading. So it basically depends on the title that can turn your website useful for users. The more engaging and informative your titles are there are more chances that you can see better results and find more users too. Read on to know how engaging titles can help your website in acquiring better search engine rankings.


Engaging titles incorporate proper key words and these pages are displayed in the top of all the search engine rankings. As it is very difficult for target demographic to locate any website until and unless it contains the required key words. So if titles on your website are catchy and clear there are chances that people will choose url of your website to scan the results. Unnecessary keywords should be avoided as they make the title unnatural. These titles are generally short and descriptive so that within few seconds they can attract the readers.

Best practice for Google is page title and it should be clear and catchy, so that the pages of websites can rank higher in SERPS. People use false advertising methods to attract users, but this does not work at all, so create titles which can clearly reflect the message behind and also help in building trust in your readers. So keep the titles short and engaging to attract readers towards your website.

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Links which are harmful for your website

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Whether you are running a website for business or other purpose, you should know about every SEO sin that can penalize your website. Among different search engines Google is the one that launches latest version of algorithms more frequently. And the one that is not aware of the latest SEO techniques to be followed has to pay for it.

Orca-harmful links

Back links is the term which can be traced in SEO techniques from times and is working well till now. It is usually added on others blogs or websites that is helps in driving traffic towards your website. If you are looking for best position in SERP, then back links can really help you a lot. Getting back links to your website is not a difficult task, but what one needs to consider here, is to the follow the way that is permitted by Google. Natural links and unnatural links are the two different types of links that can be good or bad for your website.

Reciprocal links are the other links in this category in which webmaster links to your website and your website and you also link to his or her website. Although this can help you to some extent in raising your search engine position, but Google doesn’t see them as earned. Bad links are one of the worst links which can take your website to trouble. So, as a precaution avoid to these links and if by chance you get these links just remove them.

Most common bad links are from social bookmarking websites, the links from pages with very less content, link directories, back links of those websites which have duplicate content and Links from irrelevant websites and content.

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Google Vs Yahoo

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Google Vs Yahoo, battle between world’s most popular social media search engines is in air from times. Two of the world’s largest internet companies are always competing to provide the best search results for users. 1 Billion Active users are registered every month on Google, while 800 Million users are counted for Yahoo. Google counts ca. 12 Billion queries monthly and Yahoo only 3 Billion, In the USA. Although both the search engines have their own utility, but users love to know about every title and battle related to these competitors.

Orca - Google vs Yahoo 1

Google and Yahoo are users favorite search engines and most of website owners try their best to get first position on the SERP of these engines. But, there are some basic differences, just check them.

Indexing is a process which is followed on every page of the website by different search engines. Only those pages appear on the SERP which undergo this process. Visitors won’t be able to see your site and you will be lost somewhere behind. To be indexed, website owners need to ping each search engine web directory. The comparison for indexing speed of Google and Yahoo resulted in figures that conclude that indexing speed of Google is faster than Yahoo.

Simplicity in Design and Speed Access
Design and speed at which the user gets the result matters a lot! Complicated designs with quite complex views are not liked by all types of people and simple style is always the priority. Everyone needs quick results, so here Google is again the winner. Users have speed access here and they don’t have to wait for the search results being displayed. Yahoo in comparison to Google looks more complicated. In addition, a longer access time is also often expressed by the visitors.

Relevant information
Most of the users look for websites which can give them relevant information about their topic. It should have quality content that can serve the purpose. Website that only contains a collection of ads and keywords is typically less noticed by the user. Sophisticated algorithms of Google help it in selecting the best content which is full of information. Yahoo lags behind Goggle in this case.

In case of relevance of the search results, Google is much superior to Yahoo or even the other search engines.

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Ways to create SEO Standard Content

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Search Engine Optimization or SEO, most of the web users might have read this term somewhere, but are not too much concerned about it. Most of Bloggers emphasize on writing unique and engaging content, they don’t know how SEO can affect SERP in Google or other search engines. And those who have a fair knowledge of some SEO activities usually write longer content and focus on key words too. So here we discussed some important factors that can help in creating SEO standard content.

SEO Perfect Company

Role of content in SEO is very prominent and content which meet the standards has a great preference. Occupying top position in SERP becomes a little difficult if you are not having a article with good content. Due to a high bounce rate the blog will decline the position. If the visitors can’t find the related information in the blog, they will never visit it again. This is the reason that some blogs experience significant downgrades. Check out some of these criteria’s that can help in creating SEO standard content:

Unique and Quality Content
Uniqueness and quality matters a lot in case of content for websites. High quality content without grammatical mistakes, good English can be helpful to the user actually. So try to write engaging and informative content.

Add Visuals like Videos or pictures
Most of the bloggers use images for enhancing the appearance of their websites, but this is a wrong practice. Because visitors come to the site for the information they want. So try to add that visuals which can really help them in understanding the details. Don’t forget to provide ALT tags with keywords with images that match the topics in the article. This is all related to image optimization.

Focus on Keywords
Adding proper keywords is very important while working on SEO of your site. From starting of the article till the end of it, enter the keywords naturally. Avoid spamming activities like keywords stuffing that is putting too many keywords.

The title of the article is the initial information about the contents so it should be carefully chosen. Focus on keyword and make the article more descriptive so that it can actually represent the message behind.Reference links

Related Pages should be linked
One more way to work on SEO is inserting related links on other pages. Reference links can connect different pages and the user can easily connect to the page, he wants to visit. Thus number of clicks on your website will be automatically increased.