Learn some amazing facts of Google

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Learn some amazing facts of Google

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Google came into existence when two students pursuing Ph.D. at Stanford University name Larry Page and Sergey Brin. There are much better to know about Google than their founders and existence and there is always something hidden and this massively successful company has a simple layout though. Google has always done things differently, and that keep things fresh, immersive and consistently progressive.

Let just go through the points about Google and deeply learning about it.

  1. The entire written works of mankind from the beginning of the recorded history in all languages i.e. 50 petabytes.
  2. 20 Petabytes of the data in Google is processed on a daily basis.
  3. At least once a day every person uses Google.
  4. The number of languages Google homepage has set-up is 88 including Urdu, Latin, Klingon. These all are developed by the employees of Google who are very equipped in python, C++, Java.
  5. A human will take 95,116 years to do manual searches on Google that do to even of 50 million pages.
  6. Google has records of data’s that existed way 100000 years back, how Homo sapiens came into life, till the 1st
  7. The traffic increased when spell checker was introduced that means “Did you mean” feature. One of the biggest leaps in search usage introduced by Google.
  8. The feature of “Do you mean” is used by 20 percentile of people and at least 5 percentile of people use a particular search preference before it will make it into “Advanced Preferences.
  9. Google records everything and around 620000000 visitors visit Google on a daily basis.
  10. The front page of Google is simple because the founders of Google didn’t know HTML and just wanted a quick interface.

Google has turned into so much more than just a search engine, bringing out the innovative ideas and trying out new things on almost a daily basis. It’s hard to imagine where they’ll venture next, though I’m curious to know what the next Google Doodle is going to be.