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How Google Works?

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Google is technically complex platform to understand. You got a query or confusion; search it on Google. There are hundreds of different factors taken into account so that the search engine can figure out what should go where. It’s like a mysterious black box, and very few people know exactly what’s inside. Ah, good news to tell every curious learner that search engines are actually pretty easy to understand.

We may not know every single factor but we also need don’t need to. So here are the answers with all wonders or query you type on Google search field and learn with these points mentioned below.

  1. Web crawlers, also known as Google bots. Google sends these crawlers that go through all the web pages on the World Wide Web.
  2. These bots are made of millions of computers that surf the web much like how people do it, except they do it much more quickly. It is necessary to make sure that you have the most current and updated sites, these Google bots are working all the time, crawling and re-crawling websites.
  3. How often a site is crawled depends on how quickly its content changes. Explaining through example is any newspaper or update will crawl up more often because the website content is getting updated regularly and much better than a static website. Webmaster can also indicate how often they want their sites to be crawled.
  4. All the links can be detected by bots on the sites, which are then, go through the queue system for crawling later on. Search ranking of the site is very much dependent on these links.
  5. Google Index database keeps the copies stored and the index works like the contents page of a book and contains all the possible search terms.
  6. When anyone types in a query in the search engines, the index will match the query with all the web pages in which the query terms appear and then grab the pages for the search results.
  7. A short page of the description will appear relating to the written query.
  8. All the WebPages works and ranked according to the relevance before they are displayed on the result page. Google considers around 200 factors when ranking sites. One of the important things to learn is page rank, which takes into consideration how many sites are linked to a web page and the quality of the linking sites.