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Web Design: Deadly Misconceptions that Every Client should Know

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Website designing seems very easy to some people, but some find it very difficult. Clients make a number of misconceptions regarding website design. Here we have discussed a few things that can help in understanding different aspects related to web design. Read on to know in detail.


1. Everyone Can do it
In the world of internet everything seems easy and every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks that he can also design website. But, it is not at all like that. Everyone is not a designer and understanding what will really look beautiful is not at all easy. Tutorials of PhotoShop and knowledge of HTML and CSS is not only enough to make you a designer, you should have the creativity to turn things amazing.

2. New Website will attract new customers
Most of the clients think that by designing a new website they can attract new customers. But, this is totally a wrong conception, as a new website is for the beginners. How can your potential customers know about you, if you launch a new shiny website. They can’t find it on their own; they need an access to it. To approach a wider audience you can choose social media platform.

3. Design should be browser compatible
Website designed should be always compatible on all the browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. It should look identical on all the browsers. So developers should properly work on coding.

4. Content
Most of the clients believe that to make their website better they should include a lot of content. But, unfortunately unnecessary content can overwhelm and distract your readers too. Quality content adds a value to the website, but to some extent, so stop putting excess content.

5. Empty space
Empty space available on the website should not be always crammed with content and images. Visual breaks look good on any website. Well planned white space is not a waste space; it is a design element and looks good.

6. Flash intro
Adobe Flash is mostly used by designers for animating banners and buttons during designing a website. But now designers are moving away from it, as it is not at all mobile friendly.