Links which are harmful for your website

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Links which are harmful for your website

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Whether you are running a website for business or other purpose, you should know about every SEO sin that can penalize your website. Among different search engines Google is the one that launches latest version of algorithms more frequently. And the one that is not aware of the latest SEO techniques to be followed has to pay for it.

Orca-harmful links

Back links is the term which can be traced in SEO techniques from times and is working well till now. It is usually added on others blogs or websites that is helps in driving traffic towards your website. If you are looking for best position in SERP, then back links can really help you a lot. Getting back links to your website is not a difficult task, but what one needs to consider here, is to the follow the way that is permitted by Google. Natural links and unnatural links are the two different types of links that can be good or bad for your website.

Reciprocal links are the other links in this category in which webmaster links to your website and your website and you also link to his or her website. Although this can help you to some extent in raising your search engine position, but Google doesn’t see them as earned. Bad links are one of the worst links which can take your website to trouble. So, as a precaution avoid to these links and if by chance you get these links just remove them.

Most common bad links are from social bookmarking websites, the links from pages with very less content, link directories, back links of those websites which have duplicate content and Links from irrelevant websites and content.