Category Archives: Blogging

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Social Media Supports SEO

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Social media plays an important role in increasing traffic and engaging users on our website. These two are essentially interrelated strategies that concentrate on building an appealing identity that is able to attract the visitors. As the social media relies on high quality content and also a visible and strong brand presence, the efforts we spend on SEO can be improved through our social media reach.

Here are some points which prove that social media supports SEO.

Publishing of creative, inspiring and informative content: Knowing about our visitors and use that information helps us in succeeding in our business activities. As a business owner, we need to educate, inform and entertain with our content. It has to be creative and informative and should be capable of attracting the users. This contributes to moving our marketing wheels. By taking all these ideas into consideration, we can create this type of content.

Shared content increases link authority: We must publish creative and inspiring content so that those who relate to it could share it with others. These important content links will provide an online tool to our users to attract others to our movement or cause. We should publish our content only those sites which are being used by most of the users. We should also know our customers as it will help us in socially network.

Social media following increases while website gain traffic: Immediately after publishing a blog post, we promote it on social media and also share it with each of our network; we get a certain number of clicks for each share. If we share the content again a third time, the traffic more than doubles. So the point is that more often we share, more likely we are to get clicks.

Community grows around brand: By using the social media content in our company’s unique way, we can easily grow our community around our brand. In order to build community in social media, we must admit our mistakes as people who admit their mistakes and faults; they build up a higher level of trust. If we also build a personal communication plan, it will enable us to stay engaged with our community.

Building authority with social media interactions reinforces reputation: When our users and potential customers identify and like the way we brand our business, they actually feel secure visiting and also see our content as credible, reliable and desired. The more users visit our site, the more Google sees our site as providing quality content. It is very helpful in ranking our site easier. If we increase our reputation on social media through the increased engagement and high quality content, it will lead to the increased online brand presence.

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Parallax Scrolling Effects for Web Design

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Many web design trends may come and go but the parallax effect is one of them which stuck around and proved its relevancy in web design world. It has a great impact on the user interface design on both websites and mobile apps.
Basically parallax web design is to use of visual effects which are combined with 2D scrolling in order to create the illusion of depth and layers in the user’s experience. There is a use of different backgrounds and foregrounds designs in this concept that can move at the different speed for conveying the seamless online story through the scroll bar.


  • It encourages users for going through different levels of depth along with a sense of animation.
  • Through this, user is enabled for longer page visits as it generates curiosity in them which leads to scrolling through the entire design.
  • It also reflects our professionalism and higher level of creativity of our company which makes user to visit our site at once.


  • Although it has many advantages but it is not so good for the content heavy website and as a result, we face negligible or potentially negative organic SEO impacts.
  • The users with motion sickness may find themselves upset or disturbed.
  • The users who are not so much aware about the modern technologies or tech savvy may find our parallax web design as overly complicated as well as frustrating to go for any relevant information.
  • If there is a use of parallax scrolling, it demands for extra steps to address the responsive requirements
  • Some older browsers do not support or have a difficulty in rendering the parallax design and scrolling without heavily relying on libraries.
  • It could be considered too niche in order to be adopted on very large websites.

So the parallax design can be used in order to achieve many things in web design whether it is presenting our product in new and engaging ways or telling more vivid and interactive stories to our visitors. We can also get the direct feedback with parallax scrolling which is engaging and extremely motivating.

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Virtual Reality – Future of Web Design

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The concept of virtual reality is now making its way onto the web development and it is being predicted that it is going to be a very big deal in the coming years and everyone who is involved in the web design is going to be affected in some way or other. In simple words, we can say that future is in our sights whether it is 360 degree videos shared on Facebook or people wearing oversized headsets.

Here are a few ways through which VR is changing web design:

VR is moving to the browser: Until now, there is a necessity of headset and an app of some sort in order to access any kind of VR content online but it is all changing with a number of quality web browsers which are working on the support for web VR. Now there is open standard due to which it is possible to experience VR in our browser. Now the ordinary web visitors will be able to just click a button and start interacting with VR content without any troubling with the downloads.

It is easier to create content: While there is a huge production of headsets which is making it easier for consumers to access the VR content on the web, on the other hand, there is an increasing availability of open source libraries due to which content creation is getting easier.

E-Commerce: As we know that there is a sheer number of ecommerce websites out there but the surprising fact is that they all are following a similar design which means they can get easily lost. Recently a traditional layout has been developed in order to make sites with their own personality and VR in online shopping could be very important in moving forward. With this technology, we can drop the user in a virtual clothing store so that they could try whatever they want.

Other uses of VR: These are just a few examples of VR but in real life, this technology can also be used for almost any aspects such as educational services, live music or stress relievers and space exploration and sports.

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Types of Usability Testing

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If we have a good analyst, we do not have to worry about the different types of usability testing for our website as he will be able to perform web analytics and also come up with best solutions for the several interactions on our website.

There can be many reasons for the requirement of usability testing such as we are not the good and experienced analysts as an analyst’s career demands for valuable experience necessarily. The other reason can be is that it requires lot of guesswork out of elimination and bug testing process.

In order to evaluate customer experience of our website, usability testing has many types and their selection is based on purpose and goals of our research.

Moderated In-Person: In this process, a facilitator will be located with the participant or in a group and it will be on hand so that it could answer questions and also respond to any feedback. If we want a quality and genuine result, the test should take place in a lab and it often explains more.

Moderated Remote: This is quite similar to the in-person testing but the only difference would be that facilitator and participant will be in separate locations and testing will be carried out by using screen sharing software. This facilitator observes the participant as well as uses the software and identifies any task flow issues.

Un-moderated Remote: This administrator conducts some particular tests for people in multiple locations for interacting with the software. Through this, we can collect a lot of data immediately and in some cases, we will have a recording of the participant’s screen.

Problem Discovery: It is also known as formative studies and the ultimate goal is to diagnose and fix as many problems as it is possible for it. It is a great activity for the purpose of using at the time of development and it is considered one of the most significant UX concepts.

Benchmark: The task of collecting benchmark data will be very helpful in explaining the performance of our website but it possesses some criticism also which is that there is a level of artificially which can raise objection on the validity of findings.

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Tips for Best Typography for Website

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Any website becomes successful when it is able to convey its intent and emotion of the business to the maximum visitors and in terms of digital world, the easiest way to perform this task is through the typeface. Typography is personal as well as can be used as an extension of a particular brand. It is important to pick up a typeface which is appropriate for our industry as well as compliments our brand and image.

Here are a few tips for bringing the most of the typography on our website:

It’s about contexts: There are particular typefaces which are appropriate for the different industries, purposes and brands such as we will not expect a toy manufacturer website to use the same font as a law firm uses. Sometimes simple font is the most appropriate option whereas other times, use of decorative font could make people talking about our website.

No excess typefaces: Having too many fonts on a website look disorganized and also confuse our visitors. It is distracting and takes attention away from our website. We should use 2 and 4 typefaces in our website design for everything. Consistency is the key to a professional website and using the same fonts throughout is the initial step towards this.

Alignment is important: An aligned text can dictate how the readers look through our web pages. For providing the best user experience, the text must be aligned for complimenting the structure and flowing of our content. Alignment is a guide for our readers, the easier it is to follow, and the more likely they are to read it.

Text size: The size of the words on web page is a great contributor to the user experience. Most people are around 20 to 23 inches from their computer screen when sitting properly, so it is important to keep design strategy in mind when implementing our website. Texts should be large enough to be legible. If there is a necessity to zoom in or out, it would impact user experience.

Spacing: This is also important when considering the texts. The correct distance between characters and words can impact appearance of our content and its readability. Too far apart letters will be harder to read and make our content appear longer.

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Presentation Ideas for Website Designing

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If our website is giving a visually stunning presentation to our users, it would surely leave a remarkable and positive impression on them whether we are using it for marketing product or introducing our services or communicating any information to the visitors.

Nowadays, most of the web owners provide a mass of solutions and methods for delivering quality information to a wide audience on demand such as Flash, PDF, Videos, photo slideshow etc but the only thing they should keep in mind to keep the presentation compelling, easy to access and compatible with multiple devices to have the big impact.

Here are some guidelines for ensuring memorable and unique presentation:

Short and Sweet: We must focus on avoiding too much fluff of our presentation and get only that stuff which really matters. The idea of speaking and narrating will lead to bring majority of our communication personally. We should use presentation slides in order to highlight the key messages and topics by using as little as possible.

Style Carefully: If we focus on the pleasing design and focused layout, it can be helpful in defining the overall purpose of our presentation. We could be able to direct the user’s eye on the targeted place as we design each slide. We must choose that background which provide sufficient contrast and do not compromise with text.

Bold Typography and Proper Hierarchy: At the time of designing a process, we must ensure that our website should be readable on all kinds of devices. We can go for a small number of complementary fonts for their weight and style along with some effects such as gradients or shadows for helping in setting them apart from the background.

Illustrate our Point: If you do not have proper space for explaining something in texts, we can choose the charts, info-graphics, photography and art. We can also add emphasis to the topic with a little humor.
Provide Control: We should also focus on providing control to users in moving between slides and pausing our presentation. Slide show style generally involves a set of controls.

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Life Cycle of UX

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The concept of user experience is broad and any person who wants to practice UX design should possess skills in multiple fields. As a UX Designer, we have a range of techniques available to us and it is up to us which of these techniques we want to choose for appropriation.

As its core, the UX process consists of these following phases:

Strategy: Strategy is really important from the outset as it contributes to articulating the brand, guiding the principles and long-term vision of an organization. It will be very helpful in shaping the goals of our organization as well as concentrates on what our organization is hoping to achieve with this project and ways for its success for measurement.

Research: This phase can be variable between the projects. Difficult projects will comprise the significant user along with competitor activities rather small startup websites may avoid these research activities other than some informal interviews and a survey. The research phase is really essential to create an informed user experience.

Analysis: The main focus of the analysis is to draw insights from data collected at the time of the research phase. It includes capturing, organizing and making the inferences from the factors which can help UX designers in understanding to the reasons for its importance. Communicating the designer’s understanding back to the users will be helpful in confirming any assumptions which are being made are valid.

Design: This phase of the UX project is both collaborative and iterative. In collaborative terms, it involves input and ideas from different people while in iterative, it cycles back upon itself for validating ideas and assumptions. The main goal of the design phase is to put ideas in front of users, get back their feedback and refine them along with repeating. We can represent these with paper prototypes, branding or visual details.

Production: It is the place where high fidelity design is fleshed out, content along with digital assets are created as well as high fidelity version of the product is validated with the stakeholders and end users through the user testing sessions. In this, the role of UX designer shifts from creating and validating the ideas to collaborating with developers for guiding and champion the vision.

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How to Design Great Mobile Website Experience

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As soon as the number of devices and screen sizes are increasing out there, the concept of responsive web design has become the standard protocol for many businessmen. So it is essential that we design and test our websites to ensure that users can easily navigate and access our content – no matter how they are accessing it.

For the purpose of making mobile friendly websites, here are some tips which should be kept in mind:

Focus on Readability and Usability: It is true that visitors attracts to a beautiful websites and that’s why most of the business owners try to get the website too fancy when it comes to mobile which is not right as a high end layout or feature can look stunning on the desktop but may just not make sense for a phone. So things should be simplified and appropriate to read and there is not a big deal in removing or replacing it with something that performs this job more effectively.

Available Screen Real Estate: Although the multi-column layouts are good and adopted worldwide but text heavy columns are not sufficient for the smallest screens. In this case, it will be a good idea if we simply turn multiple columns into the single column. But when we talk about the tablets and phones held in landscape orientation, columns can still be quite effective.

No More Content on Same Exact Spot: Most of the developers often try to place every single design element in the same relative spot for both mobile and desktop users so that their websites could reach to maximum people but this approach could be risky and may not work sometimes on smaller screens. For example, many websites place items in their header like search forms or social media icons etc. It is great for the larger screens but may not be helpful for the smaller screens on phone etc.

Mobile Specific Features: At the time of designing a quality responsive design strategy, we must consider on adding some small touches which will bring a higher level of convenience for the mobile users. There is no need for performing extra efforts to implement.

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Black hat SEO versus white hat SEO

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Now we will see the difference between black hat SEO and white hat SEO.
Black hat SEO

Making use of unrelated keyword: in this one adds the keyword that is not related to your content or that has no meaning with your content. These types of content are red-flagged because it looks unnatural. For example suppose you are working on a site which is selling online Ayurveda medicines but in content you have written something irrelevant like micheal Jackson the great dancer, then sentence does not go with your website service, it shows deliberately you are misusing keywords to endorse ay celebrity for their publicilty. It is counted in black hat SEO. It is a big no-no.

Automation of content: anywhere, either in the body text or comment box. A bot comment can be recognized very easily, it may contain two-three keywords that will automatically help in URL ranking.

Creation of doorway pages: these pages are created fake. And these pages are stuffed with keywords so that search engines may find them. In short these are the fake pages or dummy pages which are created especially for keyword stuffing.

Cloak: it presents the completely different content. Its goal is to display it on search engine.
Links and text invisible: it is one of the most common black hat techniques, in which content and links are hidden in order to improve ranking. One way is to do by writing white color text on white background or writing links in very small text so that nobody can see it. These all techniques are black hat and they are risky too.

White hat SEO

Quality of content: creating a high quality content and valuable content by also sharing content and URL links. You must keep in mind that your content should be original, unique and not matching with contents of other website. There should not be any grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes.

Using effective keywords: keywords should be effective, and it should be used correctly. Keyword on which people searches more should be focused first. As effective keywords are searched by most of the people on search engines. It is the best strategy to increase ranking of your website in a correct manner.

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Mood Boards Impacts User Experience

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At the time of designing our website, mood boards can be an essential tool in order to help everyone in understanding our organization as well as enhance user experience. It is very helpful in:
Branding guideline
Communication style
This is a creative process which provides a golden opportunity for the designers in an experiment with the articulation of our value proposition and positioning statement.

Web Design Mood Boards: Mood boards for the web design only focus on a specific set of elements in order to help in communicating how the website’ s content and user experience would be impacted. Our mood boards will experiment with a color palette, fonts, photography style, and iconography and navigation style.

It impacts our company’s personality: When our organization selects a mood board, we must ensure that we do not overlook the significance of the decision. Maybe we have this fact that we are simply choosing a mood board that is helpful in adhering our branding guideline and also resonating more adequately with our audience but actually, we are defining the personality and communication style of our website which is the mirror of our organization.

Free College: Most of the designers often collect free high-resolution photos in order to use the material in the future projects. These collections can be handy for the mood board creation. A free college is that which consist of these beautiful photos in effective ways in order to transfer a mood of the design concept. This also can be filled with illustrations, fonts and color examples.

Reference Collections: This can be another source of inspiration and better idea visualization. There are many resources are available through which designers can find inspiring concepts and real projects with a free access. It is united with a style or any other feature that can easily illustrate an idea for a new project. This mood boards can be helpful for clients in effectively comprehending a concept.

Template Boards: These are more like prototype and wireframes and their focus is to show the structure and visual hierarchy of a product. The only difference is that UI elements are not detailed on the template board as in prototypes or schematic as in wireframes.