Tag Archives: Mobile Optimization

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Different Aspects of Technical SEO

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We all know that SEO matters a lot in online businesses if we own a website and content is like the lifeblood of SEO but SEO is as important as the content but technical SEO refers to any SEO activities which do not include the content. It is the foundation of your website which gives our content the best chance to rank in the search engines through relevant keywords and phrases.

Technical SEO is the main reason for the search engines to crawl to our website and index the site. It can analyze the search engines techniques for accessing and crawling to our site.

Why Technical SEO is important? We are having a car with super sporty body with good fuel capacity but we cannot imagine the car without the good mechanics to run with as it will not be powerful. The same condition is with SEO. Only having the great content on the site is not sufficient enough if our website is not technically sound. Technical SEO should be combined with other SEO factors in order to make the SEO strategies successful.

Here, go through the few of the technical aspects of SEO:

Conducting technical SEO audit: Technical SEO audit is simply the process of finding out any issue which is acting as barrier for search engine to crawl to our site.  It also gives us the opportunity to know the possibilities for improving the site performance. In order to create a template of all the technical issues and then resolve it one by one.

Mobile optimization: It is must as today mobile users have increased to the great extent than desktop users. If our site is not mobile optimized, it is definitely a bad sign. The mobile traffic is more than the desktop traffic which means that mobile users are the ones who are visiting the site and making purchases.

Check the Robots.txt file: This file is something which would tell search engines those parts or pages of the site to be crawled and which not to be crawled. The crawled pages are those which are visible to the users and not crawling pages are those which are visible to site administrators.  The reason behind checking is that whether the entire website may have been blocked by the site owners.

Duplicate content: Google do not like the duplicate content but it can be found on both on site and off site. So we need to be careful in finding out both as if our website is having more number of duplicate content, then our site will be penalized by the search engines.

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Why should my website be mobile optimized?

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As we know that almost all the people across world are using mobile device. According to a survey, there are mobile phones more in number as compared to the human population. It is not a secret that everybody is using the smart phone and businesses have started to think about mobile users so that every mobile user can avail there services from phone itself. Surely, we know that a responsive website makes mobile surfing easy and simple. We need to think about why mobile optimization is must for your business?

Here are some reasons that why mobile optimization is needed:

1) Everyone is using mobile: we are living in a world where mobile has become the first priority for everyone. Today around 1.2 billion of people access the web from mobile phones. Incredibly 80% of the internet users are mobile devices users and almost all access are made through a mobile device.

2) Around half of the traffic on internet is by mobile users: this proves that over half of the traffic on internet is via mobile device. So if want to attract more customer then you need to be thinking mobile.

3) Mobile customers are buying more: it is a fact that mobile users spend more time on their mobile phone as compared to desktop because mobile is a hand-held device and anybody can use it anytime. According to the survey most of the purchases are made through mobile phone because mobile is available almost all people.

4) Screen is switched by mobile users: many people have habit to switch screen while they are surfing on internet. 90% people switch their screen from desktop to mobile as surfing from mobile is easy.

5) Mobile landing page needs a different strategy: according to some sources, mobile landing page must include minimal design, 5-word headlines, fast page loading speed.

6) Google also favors responsiveness of mobile: now Google has also started favoring mobile friendliness in the SERPs ranking. Those pages which are not mobile friendly have to face loss from the Google.

7) Most of the social media reference is made through mobile: as an unresponsive website gives you negative ranking to your website so your website must be mobile optimized.

A mobile friendly website makes your website more available to users, as they can access it easily from their mobile device. And mobile users are more in numbers