Category Archives: Promotion

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How to manage Instagram Presence of your Business

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How to manage Instagram Presence of your Business

Managing your business’s Instagram presence effectively involves several key steps and strategies to build a strong and engaging online presence. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you manage your business’s Instagram presence:

  1. Define Your Goals:
    • Determine what you want to achieve on Instagram. Common goals include brand awareness, lead generation, website traffic, and customer engagement.
  2. Create a Content Strategy:
    • Develop a content plan that aligns with your business goals.
    • Decide on the type of content you’ll create, such as photos, videos, stories, and reels.
    • Establish your brand voice and style to maintain a consistent visual identity.
  3. Content Calendar:
    • Create a content calendar to schedule posts in advance. Consistency is key to maintaining an active presence.
    • Use social media management tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Later to schedule and automate posts.
  4. High-Quality Visuals:
    • Invest in high-quality visuals. Use professional photos or graphics to make your content visually appealing.
    • Consistency in color schemes and visual style helps create a cohesive brand identity.
  5. Engage with Your Audience:
    • Respond promptly to comments and messages. Engage with your audience by asking questions and encouraging discussion.
    • Use Instagram Stories’ interactive features like polls, questions, and quizzes to boost engagement.
  6. Use Hashtags Strategically:
    • Research relevant hashtags in your industry and niche. Include a mix of broad and specific hashtags in your posts.
    • Create a branded hashtag unique to your business to encourage user-generated content.
  7. Collaborate and Partner:
    • Collaborate with influencers, other businesses, or industry partners to expand your reach.
    • Participate in Instagram challenges, contests, or takeovers with relevant accounts.
  8. Monitor Analytics:
    • Regularly review Instagram Insights to gain insights into your audience’s behavior, post performance, and growth metrics.
    • Adjust your strategy based on what works best for your audience.
  9. Paid Advertising:
    • Consider using Instagram’s paid advertising options, such as sponsored posts, stories ads, and carousel ads, to reach a larger and targeted audience.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC):
    • Encourage your customers and followers to create content related to your brand. Repost and credit them for their content.
    • UGC builds trust and credibility.
  • Community Building:
    • Build a sense of community around your brand by regularly engaging with your audience and showing appreciation for their support.
    • Host live Q&A sessions, webinars, or events to connect with your followers.
  • Adapt to Algorithm Changes:
    • Stay updated with Instagram’s algorithm changes and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, prioritize content formats favored by the algorithm.
  • Monitor Competitors:
    • Keep an eye on your competitors’ Instagram activities. Analyze their strategies and identify opportunities to differentiate your brand.
  • Evaluate and Adjust:
    • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your Instagram strategy in meeting your goals.
    • Adjust your approach based on what works and what doesn’t.
  • Legal Compliance:
    • Ensure that your content complies with Instagram’s policies and relevant laws, including copyright and trademark regulations.

Remember that building a strong Instagram presence takes time and consistent effort. Monitor your progress, adapt your strategy, and always focus on delivering value to your audience to foster a loyal following for your business.

Suggestions to create Engaging Content for Instagram Presence of your Business

Creating engaging Instagram posts for your digital marketing and SEO company can help you showcase your expertise and attract potential clients. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Educational Infographics: Create visually appealing infographics that explain digital marketing and SEO concepts in a simple and informative way. Use eye-catching graphics and concise text to make it easy for your audience to understand.
  2. Client Success Stories: Share case studies or success stories from your clients. Highlight the challenges they faced and the solutions your company provided. Include before-and-after results to showcase your expertise.
  3. Behind-the-Scenes: Give your followers a glimpse of your daily work. Share photos or short videos of your team collaborating, brainstorming, or working on client projects. Humanize your brand by introducing your team members.
  4. Tips and Tricks: Post regular tips and tricks related to SEO, digital marketing, and industry trends. These can be in the form of carousel posts, videos, or short written tips. Encourage engagement by asking questions or prompting followers to try the tips themselves.
  5. Industry News and Updates: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and news in the digital marketing and SEO industry. Share important updates with your followers and offer your insights on how these changes can impact businesses.
  6. Quote Graphics: Create visually appealing graphics featuring quotes from industry experts or your own insights. Use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience interested in your niche.
  7. Interactive Content: Host interactive content such as polls, quizzes, or Q&A sessions in your Instagram Stories to engage your audience and gather feedback. This can also help you understand your followers’ needs better.
  8. Before-and-After Visuals: Share visual transformations of websites or marketing campaigns you’ve worked on. Highlight the improvements you made and the impact on your client’s business.
  9. Video Tutorials: Create short video tutorials or how-to guides on various digital marketing and SEO topics. Use clear and concise explanations to help your audience learn something new.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage your satisfied clients to share their experiences with your services on Instagram. Repost their content on your profile and add a testimonial or a thank-you message.
  • Interactive Challenges: Create challenges or contests related to SEO or digital marketing. For example, challenge your followers to optimize a specific webpage and reward the best entry.
  • Promotions and Discounts: Announce special promotions, discounts, or limited-time offers on your services. Create visually appealing graphics with clear instructions on how to redeem them.
  • Collaborations and Partnerships: Showcase collaborations with influencers or industry partners. Highlight the value they bring to your services or share joint content.
  • Milestones and Celebrations: Celebrate company milestones, such as anniversaries or reaching a certain number of clients. Thank your followers for their support and loyalty.
  • Interactive Stories: Use Instagram Stories to engage your audience with polls, quizzes, and interactive features. Share quick insights and updates in a casual and engaging manner.

Remember to maintain a consistent posting schedule, use relevant hashtags, and engage with your followers through comments and direct messages to build a strong Instagram presence for your business or company.

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Interact with Users in their Language through Multilingual Website

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It is obvious that if we are running a small or medium business, we want to make it reach to the maximum people as much as possible and we can do this through our website. For this reason, our website should be able enough to attract more visitors with its unique appearance, amazing services and quality content. But there are also some other factors which are crucial to keep in mind while developing a website which is a “Multilingual Website”.

A multilingual wordpress site is sufficient enough to attract business from other countries and we can get it on the affordable budget.

Why Multilingual website: If we are running an online business, a multilingual website will be helpful in getting more clients. As we know that there is not only a country in the world where people are speaking only in one single language. There are multiple languages in the world and this site helps us in reaching this significant population of country. A multilingual website will be helpful in connecting our business with people speaking other languages and make them our clients.

Step 01: Choose wordpress: WordPress is open source software to build software and a prominent choice for building website. Today it possesses more than 25% of the web as it is more beneficial for most of the sites. So our first step towards building a multilingual website is to choose a wordpress.

Step 02: Make it multilingual by using WPML: WordPress allows us to build sites in one language and in order to run a multilingual website with wordpress; we will have to extend it with a plugin. We can go for WPML plugin which powers half million commercial wordpress sites of all kinds.

Step 03: Pick a design: This is the best part about building websites with wordpress. There are thousands of great themes to choose form in order to have a great looking site for a very reasonable budget.

Step 04: Find a Developer: There are multiple developers out there who are using WPML so it is easy to find a developer to help in building our own multilingual sites.

Step 05: Get translators for content: As Google Translation gives us the opportunity to translate anything free and instantly which is good in some cases but in order to read our publish content on the web; we need a real person as machine cannot write texts in a foreign language which will appear native.

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Benefits of Hybrid Application

Benefits of Hybrid Application

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Hybrid mobile apps are like other mobile applications, that are available in mobile phones. It can be installed on your device, as it is available on app stores. With the application, one can play games, engage with their friends through social media, click photos, track their health and much more.

Hybrid Application is similar to websites on the internet, which is built on the combination of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The key difference is that hybrid apps are hosted inside the native application that uses mobile platform’s Web View. With is application enabling and accessing device capabilities such as an accelerometer, camera, contacts, and more. Inside the mobile browser will be of no use as they are restricted with the capabilities.

With the basic understanding of Hybrid Application there are many benefits of it as well, which are mentioned below:-

1. Enabled to Access mobile Data – Similarly like a native app, Hybrid comes with certain features to access device data seamlessly. The hybrid app not only accesses information from GPS and camera but also contacts book as well as push notifications.

2. Works in Offline Mode – This app works even is able to run offline. The user friendly app where previously loaded data can be utilized for interaction without any hassle.

3. Scaling is Easy – Setting up of compatibility is easy to create with Hybrid apps, varying with an array of different mobile platforms as well as operating systems. For varied platform, there is no need to write code from scratch. The sole reason behind is, its supports amazing architecture that minimizes the usage of same code again.

4. Implementation of Content is easy- The quality features of the Hybrid application, developers can easily implement application content in mobile apps. Productivity is optimized and also results in saving cost and time.

5. Speed- Hybrid applications are designed and positioned in a place where users can get help and support and keeps them away from the hassle of slow processing and are bound to deliver the seamless experience to the users.

6. Integration Easiness – The working of Hybrid mobile apps are perfect and it works well with messaging, cameras, GPS, and other device information in order to provide the best possible user experience. Hence, contributing to enhanced customer satisfaction as an end product.

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Must Have WordPress Plugins

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WordPress plugins are the great and efficient tools for adding and extending the functionality to wordpress. These plugins are helpful in adding the amazing functionality to our site and make it look good. Many of us have been asking or looking for plugin suggestions to have the right set of tools that can help us in taking our business to the next level.

Although the kind or niche of our website mostly determines the essential plugins we should have on our site but there are some plugins that every WP blog needs.

Here are some must have wordpress plugins we should have on our wordpress site:

Everest Forms: Contact pages are one of the fundamental pages we need in a website; no matter it is small or big website or what type of website it is. We definitely need a contact page so that our users can contact us easily or give any feedback and reach for our business goals. So here is a plugin to create contact forms. It is a modern wordpress contact form plugin with drag and drop interface that allows us to build beautiful contact forms easily and quickly.

Jetpack: It is one of the powerful and must have plugin for every wordpress website. As its name is suggesting, it offers a pack of interesting features for our website to fly up high and make it a success. It manages our site security, website performance, traffic growth and image optimization along with website appearance and many more.

Akismet: It is one of the default plugins of wordpress that is associated with every new wordpress core installation. It is simply an anti-spam plugin that checks all comments and filters out of the spammy comments. We can have a status history for each comment in order to learn which comments were found spammy by Akismet or the moderator.

Yoast SEO: Search engine are the major source of traffic for every website and Yoast SEO is an amazing plugin that guides us all the way to create better content and improve our ranking on search engine. It mainly concentrates on creating the useful content for the users and technically SEO friendly.

User Registration: WordPress user registration is another example of integral features which we definitely do not want to miss. Essentially “register” feature is available on the default wordpress installation and can be enabled from WP dashboard by following some steps.

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Credibility of business based on its website

Credibility of Business Based on its Website

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Explosion and popularity of infographics have increased and in order to generate links, businesses are focusing on developing strong content marketing campaigns to generate links and also releasing spam fighting search engines algorithms. Content is not just a textual structure but also includes all the complimenting graphics, or when we design infographics then the content is more graphically represented making it easier for an audience to engage with designed infographics often fit nicely in these campaigns.

Understanding of Infographics Design process – A good infographics offers value to readers in two ways. The first is that they are very visual and present text in a different way than just a plain article. To make it interesting and mundane informative a detailed infographic with well selected color scheme and associated images are taken and chosen. While creating an infographic, outlining a storyboard becomes important as storyboarding will help you plan your message right from the beginning. It’s good to stay very involved in the ideation process as well as the design, illustration, and execution. The second added value for readers is that many content creators choose to make their work easy to share.

By providing embed code on the page where infographics are originally published, users can paste it in their own sites, share it on social media, and more importantly, use it connect with their own audiences. Infographic design process doesn’t stop even after the completion of illustration rather it should be analyzed from its placement till its launch. With an infographic, companies can target their audience as well attract them with the services they offer.

Creating of the content with the appeal of representing the company’s products or services with care and attention to detail, they build authority in their target market. The entire purpose of an infographic is to direct the attention of the audience to details and elevating the complete brand with information in the eyes of the audience. Building the content and building the trust for the targeted consumers. Business gets exposure and builds authority with the publishing of detailed, visually stimulating and factually correct infographic content, getting more links from other websites, and gaining new leads and customers.

Infographics with high quality and creativity as part of content marketing campaigns, while there is a number of considerable upsides. Where Infographic fit in perfectly in a marketing campaign, A good infographic can be about an almost anything related niche. Infographic can work well from soup to nuts. Business sometimes has drawn out to build infographic which is boring but information based must add little excitement. Also, answering the current questions answers with reasons through infographic can lead to effective exposure to the company.

Information in infographic should be presented in a small number of points, and using icons for display will be a powerful tool for information sharing. This code of innovation will bring more brand exposure, building authority and making more money certainly.

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Analyze Website Traffic Using Google Analytics

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There are often situations where either we or our clients want to know the ways through which they can track the performance of URLs they have been redirecting to a different page. If we are running a marketing campaign, the task of measuring the performance of a landing page or tracking conversion rates and tracing our redirects could provide a wealth of information to push the traffic on our business goals.

But the problem is Google Analytics is not able to track what redirect traffic comes through, rather it only gives the raw traffic numbers to the page without tracking if any URL redirected people to it.

Use of Google Analytics: The process of using Google Analytics to see the traffic sources of a specific page in our Google Analytics account is so easy.

To start, we have to Log into the Google Analytics account and navigate to Behavior > Site Content. From there, we can choose whether to view the traffic sources of all our website’s pages or the exit pages.

Here is the process to view the traffic sources of our site’s landing pages which is important as these are the pages which many visitors will land on first while visiting our site.

The next step would be navigate to secondary Dimension > Acquisition > Source/Medium. Here we will see a list of our website’s landing pages complete with the source of our site’s traffic which is the place where visitors were before clicking on the website and also the medium, which is the ways how our visitors arrived at the site.

Creating segments in Google Analytics to view traffic sources: By using the segments feature in Google Analytics, we can track the traffic stats of a specific web page. This method is more advanced and will give us a more detailed look at the traffic sources of specific pages on our website. The Google Analytics Behavior report only provides us a collective view of all our traffic sources by breaking it down into direct, organic and referral traffic.

Although this is helpful but Google Analytics segments can break our traffic sources down even further such as we can also see when the site’s traffic comes from paid traffic sources or social media sources.

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Use Twig and Timber for Next Website

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There is no doubt that WordPress is a great platform to manage our content on our site as well as for other works on website. It is the most versatile platform proof of which is that currently it acquires more than 23% of the internet as we know it.

The wordpress themes industry is getting pretty large and every day we see many new businesses pop-up, offering their own themes and now one more has been added to these trends which are Twig and Timber.

Twig: It is a PHP based templating system which allows us for writing faster and cleaner codes across all the sites we build. It is also easier to use and focused on more complex development tasks or can even take a brand new CMS when the project or client demands for it.

Timber: Timber is that plugin which is responsible for uniting wordpress with Twig. Along with the advantage of using Twig, it allows us to separate the PHP from our HTML templates. It gives us a more comfortable environment for developing themes.

Pros of using Twig:

  • Fast: Twig is able to comply down to plain optimized PHP code. In comparison to regular PHP, the overhead was reduced to the very minimum.
  • Secure: Twig has the sandbox mode in order to evaluate untrusted template code. Due to this, twig can be used as a template language for applications where the users can modify the template design.
  • Flexible: As the Twig is powered by flexible lexer and parser, developer can define its own custom tags and filters as well as create its own DSL.
  • Easy to Learn: The syntax is easy to learn and along with this, it allows web designers to get their job done faster without getting in their way.
  • Extensibility: Twig is flexible enough for all our needs even the most complex ones due to the open architecture, we can also implement our own language constructs for creating our own DSL.
  • Unit tested: One thing that Twig is fully unit tested and its library is also stable and ready to be used in large projects.
  • Documented: Twig is fully automated along with a dedicated online book and a full API documentation.

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Choosing the Right CMS is Important

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Whenever we are thinking about building or getting a new website, the task of having a visual look of the site is not that tough but what matters the most is its content which will be managed by effective content management system. So it is important to select the right CMS system.

CMS: In simple words, the content management system is the core of our site which allows us to manage and maintain our web content anything from the light editing of text, uploading pics or videos, adding pages or even whole section to the menu. Managing our site by using CMS does not need any technical knowhow such as HTML etc.

Pros of using right CMS: Having a good and quality content management system is the soul and heart of our site for ensuring the update and fresh content of our site. It includes SEO optimization, driving traffic to the site and getting more visitors.

Here some benefits of CMS:

Work efficiently: By choosing the right font or layout, it is easy to get lost in our computer screen and spend hours by building the optimized pages and sites in half of the time. Due to the right CMS, we do not have the time to waste on one individual aspect or another.

Standardized and uniform pages: As everyone have their own tests and preferences but using the several different styles on one site looks so sloppy and untidy while a CMS template keeps our site looking well-organized, well planned with all of those things. Complicated CSS can make our sites difficult to view on some devices but a CMS with templates ensure that our content will be readable on every site visitor’s screen

Smoother workflow: The sites with scratch does not offer smooth workflows and web designers and writers have to be in constant communication for publishing content but with CMS, we can leave the content to the content writers and simple templates allows them to plug content into the template and publish it themselves. They can easily insert links, texts styles, alt tags, title tags and meta tags.

Optimize the pages: Many CMS allows us to optimize our title, content depth, keywords, meta descriptions and calls to action all in single text fields.

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Virtual Reality – Future of Web Design

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The concept of virtual reality is now making its way onto the web development and it is being predicted that it is going to be a very big deal in the coming years and everyone who is involved in the web design is going to be affected in some way or other. In simple words, we can say that future is in our sights whether it is 360 degree videos shared on Facebook or people wearing oversized headsets.

Here are a few ways through which VR is changing web design:

VR is moving to the browser: Until now, there is a necessity of headset and an app of some sort in order to access any kind of VR content online but it is all changing with a number of quality web browsers which are working on the support for web VR. Now there is open standard due to which it is possible to experience VR in our browser. Now the ordinary web visitors will be able to just click a button and start interacting with VR content without any troubling with the downloads.

It is easier to create content: While there is a huge production of headsets which is making it easier for consumers to access the VR content on the web, on the other hand, there is an increasing availability of open source libraries due to which content creation is getting easier.

E-Commerce: As we know that there is a sheer number of ecommerce websites out there but the surprising fact is that they all are following a similar design which means they can get easily lost. Recently a traditional layout has been developed in order to make sites with their own personality and VR in online shopping could be very important in moving forward. With this technology, we can drop the user in a virtual clothing store so that they could try whatever they want.

Other uses of VR: These are just a few examples of VR but in real life, this technology can also be used for almost any aspects such as educational services, live music or stress relievers and space exploration and sports.

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Life Cycle of UX

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The concept of user experience is broad and any person who wants to practice UX design should possess skills in multiple fields. As a UX Designer, we have a range of techniques available to us and it is up to us which of these techniques we want to choose for appropriation.

As its core, the UX process consists of these following phases:

Strategy: Strategy is really important from the outset as it contributes to articulating the brand, guiding the principles and long-term vision of an organization. It will be very helpful in shaping the goals of our organization as well as concentrates on what our organization is hoping to achieve with this project and ways for its success for measurement.

Research: This phase can be variable between the projects. Difficult projects will comprise the significant user along with competitor activities rather small startup websites may avoid these research activities other than some informal interviews and a survey. The research phase is really essential to create an informed user experience.

Analysis: The main focus of the analysis is to draw insights from data collected at the time of the research phase. It includes capturing, organizing and making the inferences from the factors which can help UX designers in understanding to the reasons for its importance. Communicating the designer’s understanding back to the users will be helpful in confirming any assumptions which are being made are valid.

Design: This phase of the UX project is both collaborative and iterative. In collaborative terms, it involves input and ideas from different people while in iterative, it cycles back upon itself for validating ideas and assumptions. The main goal of the design phase is to put ideas in front of users, get back their feedback and refine them along with repeating. We can represent these with paper prototypes, branding or visual details.

Production: It is the place where high fidelity design is fleshed out, content along with digital assets are created as well as high fidelity version of the product is validated with the stakeholders and end users through the user testing sessions. In this, the role of UX designer shifts from creating and validating the ideas to collaborating with developers for guiding and champion the vision.