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Use Twig and Timber for Next Website

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There is no doubt that WordPress is a great platform to manage our content on our site as well as for other works on website. It is the most versatile platform proof of which is that currently it acquires more than 23% of the internet as we know it.

The wordpress themes industry is getting pretty large and every day we see many new businesses pop-up, offering their own themes and now one more has been added to these trends which are Twig and Timber.

Twig: It is a PHP based templating system which allows us for writing faster and cleaner codes across all the sites we build. It is also easier to use and focused on more complex development tasks or can even take a brand new CMS when the project or client demands for it.

Timber: Timber is that plugin which is responsible for uniting wordpress with Twig. Along with the advantage of using Twig, it allows us to separate the PHP from our HTML templates. It gives us a more comfortable environment for developing themes.

Pros of using Twig:

  • Fast: Twig is able to comply down to plain optimized PHP code. In comparison to regular PHP, the overhead was reduced to the very minimum.
  • Secure: Twig has the sandbox mode in order to evaluate untrusted template code. Due to this, twig can be used as a template language for applications where the users can modify the template design.
  • Flexible: As the Twig is powered by flexible lexer and parser, developer can define its own custom tags and filters as well as create its own DSL.
  • Easy to Learn: The syntax is easy to learn and along with this, it allows web designers to get their job done faster without getting in their way.
  • Extensibility: Twig is flexible enough for all our needs even the most complex ones due to the open architecture, we can also implement our own language constructs for creating our own DSL.
  • Unit tested: One thing that Twig is fully unit tested and its library is also stable and ready to be used in large projects.
  • Documented: Twig is fully automated along with a dedicated online book and a full API documentation.