Tag Archives: Multilingual Website

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Interact with Users in their Language through Multilingual Website

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It is obvious that if we are running a small or medium business, we want to make it reach to the maximum people as much as possible and we can do this through our website. For this reason, our website should be able enough to attract more visitors with its unique appearance, amazing services and quality content. But there are also some other factors which are crucial to keep in mind while developing a website which is a “Multilingual Website”.

A multilingual wordpress site is sufficient enough to attract business from other countries and we can get it on the affordable budget.

Why Multilingual website: If we are running an online business, a multilingual website will be helpful in getting more clients. As we know that there is not only a country in the world where people are speaking only in one single language. There are multiple languages in the world and this site helps us in reaching this significant population of country. A multilingual website will be helpful in connecting our business with people speaking other languages and make them our clients.

Step 01: Choose wordpress: WordPress is open source software to build software and a prominent choice for building website. Today it possesses more than 25% of the web as it is more beneficial for most of the sites. So our first step towards building a multilingual website is to choose a wordpress.

Step 02: Make it multilingual by using WPML: WordPress allows us to build sites in one language and in order to run a multilingual website with wordpress; we will have to extend it with a plugin. We can go for WPML plugin which powers half million commercial wordpress sites of all kinds.

Step 03: Pick a design: This is the best part about building websites with wordpress. There are thousands of great themes to choose form in order to have a great looking site for a very reasonable budget.

Step 04: Find a Developer: There are multiple developers out there who are using WPML so it is easy to find a developer to help in building our own multilingual sites.

Step 05: Get translators for content: As Google Translation gives us the opportunity to translate anything free and instantly which is good in some cases but in order to read our publish content on the web; we need a real person as machine cannot write texts in a foreign language which will appear native.