Category Archives: Web Development

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Learn some amazing facts of Google

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Google came into existence when two students pursuing Ph.D. at Stanford University name Larry Page and Sergey Brin. There are much better to know about Google than their founders and existence and there is always something hidden and this massively successful company has a simple layout though. Google has always done things differently, and that keep things fresh, immersive and consistently progressive.

Let just go through the points about Google and deeply learning about it.

  1. The entire written works of mankind from the beginning of the recorded history in all languages i.e. 50 petabytes.
  2. 20 Petabytes of the data in Google is processed on a daily basis.
  3. At least once a day every person uses Google.
  4. The number of languages Google homepage has set-up is 88 including Urdu, Latin, Klingon. These all are developed by the employees of Google who are very equipped in python, C++, Java.
  5. A human will take 95,116 years to do manual searches on Google that do to even of 50 million pages.
  6. Google has records of data’s that existed way 100000 years back, how Homo sapiens came into life, till the 1st
  7. The traffic increased when spell checker was introduced that means “Did you mean” feature. One of the biggest leaps in search usage introduced by Google.
  8. The feature of “Do you mean” is used by 20 percentile of people and at least 5 percentile of people use a particular search preference before it will make it into “Advanced Preferences.
  9. Google records everything and around 620000000 visitors visit Google on a daily basis.
  10. The front page of Google is simple because the founders of Google didn’t know HTML and just wanted a quick interface.

Google has turned into so much more than just a search engine, bringing out the innovative ideas and trying out new things on almost a daily basis. It’s hard to imagine where they’ll venture next, though I’m curious to know what the next Google Doodle is going to be.

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Online Lead Generation Ideas

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Earlier professional services firms didn’t have much information in regard to generating leads online. Surprisingly business firm currently is earning more in profits when generating leads through online. Formulating strategies for generating leads and removed traditional marketing or lead generation. A mindset was built for generating leads that too even through networking and referrals.

The answer for generating leads is here and digital marketing will provide you with the journey of exploring lead generation ideas that were specifically tested and proven to deliver results. Read the article below and get the best way to grow your business.

Online Lead Generation By Website Optimization – Your website and/ or landing page lie at the central hub for conduction an online business and where most of the sales transaction will like take action. More than 800 B2B marketers were gone through survey and showing the result of B2B technology in the community indicating that website optimization for better lead acquisition is among the top 3 effective lead generation.

  1. Customer focused website navigation for ease in understanding your content.
  2. Content should be highly customer focused that helps your audience in the purchase decision making process.
  3. Self-multiple calls-to-action that entices your audience to subscribe, download, contact you or make purchase-together with good Visuals like large action buttons.
  4. Help your prospects in their budgeting process by making it easy for them to understand your pricing schemes with products clearly categorized according to price ranges.
  5. Access to lead generation forms should be present in both your main content and sidebars.

Online Lead Generation By Search Engine Optimization – SEO is ideal for generating leads particularly through organic web searches that consumers use every day. Higher visibility of website or landing pages is indicated through good ranking search results, generating a lot of leads in the process. The primary focus in SEO is necessary and there are several techniques for content marketing and content marketing also gives leads to lead generation.

Through B2B social media marketing cover one-fourth of lead generation, PPC covers one-sixth of the lead generation whereas SEO covers one-third of the B2B business. The primary tool that was started in 2014 was content and SEO.

When comes Business to Consumer i.e. B2C SEO covers a percentage of 41, PPC holds about  34.2 percentile and Social Media Marketing helps in lead generation by 24.8 percentile. These data collected differs from continuous uses. And these numbers are increasing and will increase with a more digital landing.

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Convert Your Content into Lead Generation

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Marketing strategy is very important when setting up a business. It doesn’t matter whether a business is small or big strategy is important. With the marketing strategy the team works on generating leads and now a door to door services display is minimal. Presence of social media and digital marketing bought new way of leads generation and it has become way better and easier with door to door services.

Online marketing and digital marketing is linked with content and it can play a vital role in generating leads. So, lead the way of your learning path with the points and guide mentioned below.

Show Expertise with Educational Content – Always try to educate your target audience who are looking for solutions. All the product and services features should be displayed as if you are displaying your skills. Prefer expert advice for more credibility when presenting to the audience.

Create Free Resources – Try to create E-books around your popular content and distribute these resources in lieu of contact info.

As Engaging stories Publish Case Studies – A case that will relate to a customer will always bind them to the study. Prefer a talk to start case study and end with metrics, your website should be easy for your customer to search them.

Irresistible lead Magnets should be Build – Valuable offers must be in lieu of customers’ information and there are some works that wonders but works like pop-ups, E-books & cheat sheets. The position is important for impact and always goes for right sidebars.

E-mail Workflows should be made – Separate and segment the customers according to their activity. Serve them with messages that will attract and benefit them both and as with the changing time the need of customers will change so, follow up with new content and case studies. Never forget to pitch them when convinced.

Amplify with social media – Social networks are the burning and impactful platform currently and never back down to share content on multiple social networks. Reproduce your content every week but if you are active with work daily then it will be the perfect icing on your cake as customers. Never forget your industry and make them updated too with the services and work too.

Funnel Marketing for your content – Before conversion always get to know about the different stories and journeys of customers. Nurturing your lead will your next step and make them in your priority list as they will create a score in leading.

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Different Aspects of Technical SEO

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We all know that SEO matters a lot in online businesses if we own a website and content is like the lifeblood of SEO but SEO is as important as the content but technical SEO refers to any SEO activities which do not include the content. It is the foundation of your website which gives our content the best chance to rank in the search engines through relevant keywords and phrases.

Technical SEO is the main reason for the search engines to crawl to our website and index the site. It can analyze the search engines techniques for accessing and crawling to our site.

Why Technical SEO is important? We are having a car with super sporty body with good fuel capacity but we cannot imagine the car without the good mechanics to run with as it will not be powerful. The same condition is with SEO. Only having the great content on the site is not sufficient enough if our website is not technically sound. Technical SEO should be combined with other SEO factors in order to make the SEO strategies successful.

Here, go through the few of the technical aspects of SEO:

Conducting technical SEO audit: Technical SEO audit is simply the process of finding out any issue which is acting as barrier for search engine to crawl to our site.  It also gives us the opportunity to know the possibilities for improving the site performance. In order to create a template of all the technical issues and then resolve it one by one.

Mobile optimization: It is must as today mobile users have increased to the great extent than desktop users. If our site is not mobile optimized, it is definitely a bad sign. The mobile traffic is more than the desktop traffic which means that mobile users are the ones who are visiting the site and making purchases.

Check the Robots.txt file: This file is something which would tell search engines those parts or pages of the site to be crawled and which not to be crawled. The crawled pages are those which are visible to the users and not crawling pages are those which are visible to site administrators.  The reason behind checking is that whether the entire website may have been blocked by the site owners.

Duplicate content: Google do not like the duplicate content but it can be found on both on site and off site. So we need to be careful in finding out both as if our website is having more number of duplicate content, then our site will be penalized by the search engines.

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Interact with Users in their Language through Multilingual Website

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It is obvious that if we are running a small or medium business, we want to make it reach to the maximum people as much as possible and we can do this through our website. For this reason, our website should be able enough to attract more visitors with its unique appearance, amazing services and quality content. But there are also some other factors which are crucial to keep in mind while developing a website which is a “Multilingual Website”.

A multilingual wordpress site is sufficient enough to attract business from other countries and we can get it on the affordable budget.

Why Multilingual website: If we are running an online business, a multilingual website will be helpful in getting more clients. As we know that there is not only a country in the world where people are speaking only in one single language. There are multiple languages in the world and this site helps us in reaching this significant population of country. A multilingual website will be helpful in connecting our business with people speaking other languages and make them our clients.

Step 01: Choose wordpress: WordPress is open source software to build software and a prominent choice for building website. Today it possesses more than 25% of the web as it is more beneficial for most of the sites. So our first step towards building a multilingual website is to choose a wordpress.

Step 02: Make it multilingual by using WPML: WordPress allows us to build sites in one language and in order to run a multilingual website with wordpress; we will have to extend it with a plugin. We can go for WPML plugin which powers half million commercial wordpress sites of all kinds.

Step 03: Pick a design: This is the best part about building websites with wordpress. There are thousands of great themes to choose form in order to have a great looking site for a very reasonable budget.

Step 04: Find a Developer: There are multiple developers out there who are using WPML so it is easy to find a developer to help in building our own multilingual sites.

Step 05: Get translators for content: As Google Translation gives us the opportunity to translate anything free and instantly which is good in some cases but in order to read our publish content on the web; we need a real person as machine cannot write texts in a foreign language which will appear native.

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Trends of Top Mobile App Development 2018

Trends of Top Mobile App Development 2018

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2018 is about to end and just like previous few years was a great year for mobile app development. Every single day companies are realizing that app development is bringing consumer one step closer to their services. It has resulted in great investment and necessary too for better support & convenience.

This New Year mobile app development was one of the fastest growing niches and let us examines the new innovation entered in 2018 and accomplished tremendously.

Internet of Things – The IOT or Internet of Things introduced improved technology in recent years and there are more to come in the coming years. Many organizations from different background like Media, Entertainment, News are looking for the huge amount of un-structural data to get an insight and do business in the real world.

Increased Mobile Pages – Since the introduction of the AMP project by Google, the loading time and quality have improved in mobile phones. The speed of pages loading has increased and also Google announced/declared to provide isolated search index for the mobile web.

On-Demand Apps – The on-Demand apps are one of the popular apps right and they were earlier too, making life easier. A convenient source opened to be used by consumers and helped the users with little things that took much of their time. Like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram etc.

Mobile Payments – One of the widely used and helpful developments introduced in 2018. Though it was introduced way before the actual reports of usage came in 2018. These online payments were widely used in online payments in 2018. Customers didn’t have to carry credit cards just because of these apps.

Cloud-Based Apps – Mobile App Developers had designed apps with increased cloud technology. It made work easier and quicker to use data without impacting on your phone internal memory.

App Security – Security services have evolved and introduced more and more algorithms for better mobile safety. Data security is essential and it makes sure that personal data is not hacked by anyone. In the app development industry, in-built apps are making big difference.

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Benefits of Hybrid Application

Benefits of Hybrid Application

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Hybrid mobile apps are like other mobile applications, that are available in mobile phones. It can be installed on your device, as it is available on app stores. With the application, one can play games, engage with their friends through social media, click photos, track their health and much more.

Hybrid Application is similar to websites on the internet, which is built on the combination of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The key difference is that hybrid apps are hosted inside the native application that uses mobile platform’s Web View. With is application enabling and accessing device capabilities such as an accelerometer, camera, contacts, and more. Inside the mobile browser will be of no use as they are restricted with the capabilities.

With the basic understanding of Hybrid Application there are many benefits of it as well, which are mentioned below:-

1. Enabled to Access mobile Data – Similarly like a native app, Hybrid comes with certain features to access device data seamlessly. The hybrid app not only accesses information from GPS and camera but also contacts book as well as push notifications.

2. Works in Offline Mode – This app works even is able to run offline. The user friendly app where previously loaded data can be utilized for interaction without any hassle.

3. Scaling is Easy – Setting up of compatibility is easy to create with Hybrid apps, varying with an array of different mobile platforms as well as operating systems. For varied platform, there is no need to write code from scratch. The sole reason behind is, its supports amazing architecture that minimizes the usage of same code again.

4. Implementation of Content is easy- The quality features of the Hybrid application, developers can easily implement application content in mobile apps. Productivity is optimized and also results in saving cost and time.

5. Speed- Hybrid applications are designed and positioned in a place where users can get help and support and keeps them away from the hassle of slow processing and are bound to deliver the seamless experience to the users.

6. Integration Easiness – The working of Hybrid mobile apps are perfect and it works well with messaging, cameras, GPS, and other device information in order to provide the best possible user experience. Hence, contributing to enhanced customer satisfaction as an end product.

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Must Have WordPress Plugins

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WordPress plugins are the great and efficient tools for adding and extending the functionality to wordpress. These plugins are helpful in adding the amazing functionality to our site and make it look good. Many of us have been asking or looking for plugin suggestions to have the right set of tools that can help us in taking our business to the next level.

Although the kind or niche of our website mostly determines the essential plugins we should have on our site but there are some plugins that every WP blog needs.

Here are some must have wordpress plugins we should have on our wordpress site:

Everest Forms: Contact pages are one of the fundamental pages we need in a website; no matter it is small or big website or what type of website it is. We definitely need a contact page so that our users can contact us easily or give any feedback and reach for our business goals. So here is a plugin to create contact forms. It is a modern wordpress contact form plugin with drag and drop interface that allows us to build beautiful contact forms easily and quickly.

Jetpack: It is one of the powerful and must have plugin for every wordpress website. As its name is suggesting, it offers a pack of interesting features for our website to fly up high and make it a success. It manages our site security, website performance, traffic growth and image optimization along with website appearance and many more.

Akismet: It is one of the default plugins of wordpress that is associated with every new wordpress core installation. It is simply an anti-spam plugin that checks all comments and filters out of the spammy comments. We can have a status history for each comment in order to learn which comments were found spammy by Akismet or the moderator.

Yoast SEO: Search engine are the major source of traffic for every website and Yoast SEO is an amazing plugin that guides us all the way to create better content and improve our ranking on search engine. It mainly concentrates on creating the useful content for the users and technically SEO friendly.

User Registration: WordPress user registration is another example of integral features which we definitely do not want to miss. Essentially “register” feature is available on the default wordpress installation and can be enabled from WP dashboard by following some steps.

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Credibility of business based on its website

Credibility of Business Based on its Website

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Explosion and popularity of infographics have increased and in order to generate links, businesses are focusing on developing strong content marketing campaigns to generate links and also releasing spam fighting search engines algorithms. Content is not just a textual structure but also includes all the complimenting graphics, or when we design infographics then the content is more graphically represented making it easier for an audience to engage with designed infographics often fit nicely in these campaigns.

Understanding of Infographics Design process – A good infographics offers value to readers in two ways. The first is that they are very visual and present text in a different way than just a plain article. To make it interesting and mundane informative a detailed infographic with well selected color scheme and associated images are taken and chosen. While creating an infographic, outlining a storyboard becomes important as storyboarding will help you plan your message right from the beginning. It’s good to stay very involved in the ideation process as well as the design, illustration, and execution. The second added value for readers is that many content creators choose to make their work easy to share.

By providing embed code on the page where infographics are originally published, users can paste it in their own sites, share it on social media, and more importantly, use it connect with their own audiences. Infographic design process doesn’t stop even after the completion of illustration rather it should be analyzed from its placement till its launch. With an infographic, companies can target their audience as well attract them with the services they offer.

Creating of the content with the appeal of representing the company’s products or services with care and attention to detail, they build authority in their target market. The entire purpose of an infographic is to direct the attention of the audience to details and elevating the complete brand with information in the eyes of the audience. Building the content and building the trust for the targeted consumers. Business gets exposure and builds authority with the publishing of detailed, visually stimulating and factually correct infographic content, getting more links from other websites, and gaining new leads and customers.

Infographics with high quality and creativity as part of content marketing campaigns, while there is a number of considerable upsides. Where Infographic fit in perfectly in a marketing campaign, A good infographic can be about an almost anything related niche. Infographic can work well from soup to nuts. Business sometimes has drawn out to build infographic which is boring but information based must add little excitement. Also, answering the current questions answers with reasons through infographic can lead to effective exposure to the company.

Information in infographic should be presented in a small number of points, and using icons for display will be a powerful tool for information sharing. This code of innovation will bring more brand exposure, building authority and making more money certainly.

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Behind the Scene of WordPress Working

Behind the Scene of WordPress Working

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The question of how actually WordPress works behind the scene must have popped up in the mind. It looks easy when you enter the name of the link and it starts working but there are many things that work behind the WordPress. WordPress an open source software, anyone can create their own apps and templates using it.

Understanding the process of WordPress working behind the scene will be helpful and will bring future enhancements with improvement ideas. Beginning with the entering the name of the website and its loading time, so it’s a configuration file of WordPress named wp-config.php. This file is a set of global variables for WordPress database information.

Setting up of Default Constants, it includes the information of default WordPress upload location, maximum file sizes and other default constant sets in the wp-config.php file. Moving on the third factor that affects the WordPress working is loading the advanced-cache.php file, exists in every website uploaded by WordPress. A new plugin screen will pop-up called Drop-ins.

Creation of own database abstraction layer by the developer and loading them in a db.php file placed inside the wp-content folder. For improving database performance WordPress caching plugins are used. WordPress will load the present file with the presence of the file.

Connecting MySQL and selecting a database which has enough information to proceed further. Further connecting with MySQL server and select the database and there may connection error can arrive if WordPress is unable to connect to the database. Next step can be followed if everything works fine.

For loading object-cache.php or wp-includes/cache.php File, developers will look now for this file and id it doesn’t exist then WordPress will move on wp-includes/cache.php file. Another file that is required for the requirement for multisite network or the file name is a wp-content/sunrise.php file, can be found when looking into WordPress.

The next step of WordPress will be load I10.php library in the wp-includes folder. With this file WordPress Localization system loads along with translation loading, sets locate etc. WordPress provides the guide as well in different languages.

If there is a multisite network, the WordPress will now load the multisite plugins. This part only includes few background scenes of WordPress working but the second part will include further background working of WordPress.