Category Archives: Twitter

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Online Lead Generation Ideas

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Earlier professional services firms didn’t have much information in regard to generating leads online. Surprisingly business firm currently is earning more in profits when generating leads through online. Formulating strategies for generating leads and removed traditional marketing or lead generation. A mindset was built for generating leads that too even through networking and referrals.

The answer for generating leads is here and digital marketing will provide you with the journey of exploring lead generation ideas that were specifically tested and proven to deliver results. Read the article below and get the best way to grow your business.

Online Lead Generation By Website Optimization – Your website and/ or landing page lie at the central hub for conduction an online business and where most of the sales transaction will like take action. More than 800 B2B marketers were gone through survey and showing the result of B2B technology in the community indicating that website optimization for better lead acquisition is among the top 3 effective lead generation.

  1. Customer focused website navigation for ease in understanding your content.
  2. Content should be highly customer focused that helps your audience in the purchase decision making process.
  3. Self-multiple calls-to-action that entices your audience to subscribe, download, contact you or make purchase-together with good Visuals like large action buttons.
  4. Help your prospects in their budgeting process by making it easy for them to understand your pricing schemes with products clearly categorized according to price ranges.
  5. Access to lead generation forms should be present in both your main content and sidebars.

Online Lead Generation By Search Engine Optimization – SEO is ideal for generating leads particularly through organic web searches that consumers use every day. Higher visibility of website or landing pages is indicated through good ranking search results, generating a lot of leads in the process. The primary focus in SEO is necessary and there are several techniques for content marketing and content marketing also gives leads to lead generation.

Through B2B social media marketing cover one-fourth of lead generation, PPC covers one-sixth of the lead generation whereas SEO covers one-third of the B2B business. The primary tool that was started in 2014 was content and SEO.

When comes Business to Consumer i.e. B2C SEO covers a percentage of 41, PPC holds about  34.2 percentile and Social Media Marketing helps in lead generation by 24.8 percentile. These data collected differs from continuous uses. And these numbers are increasing and will increase with a more digital landing.

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Lead Generation through LinkedIn

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In content marketing, your network is everything. Although publishing a brilliant article on a site with thousand or million readers is a great credibility booster and it won’t matter if you are approaching the right people. LinkedIn is a new stepped plate in social media for publishing and it is becoming a prime place for brands to share content. Now anyone can share their viewpoint and can publish it to the professional networking site. An easier way for companies to target the audience of their product need directly.

So how LinkedIn is actually helpful in generating potential leads and setting a separate brand entity in the market because now visibility is very important and also engaging directly with your network will create more tangible business opportunities. So here is the guide and idea of generating leads from LinkedIn.

Brand Yourself Correctly – Being an owner is good but being an expert will be best of best. The profile is the first things that impact the reader or organization additionally prefer language that is easy to understand. People are more into experts than interacting with owners because searches are more for an expert who can help in a specific problem they are facing. Experts are the one who leads want to connect with.

Provide a Reason to Click and Connect – Landing page should be more personal and attractive. An expert with profile should have a landing page for any product or services with a deal of activeness and it will perform much better way. It’s useful to apply the same concept to your profile saying much more compelling headlines and description.

Focus on their Needs – Presenting the full information (skills, experience, and expertise). Even though the profile is all about you, you want to write all the information from the perspective of what skills and experience allow you to do for clients or customers. By focusing on the needs of the person reading your profile, you will greatly increase the needs of the likelihood of them actually reaching out to you instead or simply navigating to another profile.


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Tips for Social Media Management

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Management is necessary factor in every organization and the current digital world management is required for social media accounts. And the process of managing your online interactions and content across social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and P interest.

Social Media Management is more than beyond posting updates on social media profiles. SIM is a way to communicate with your audience and looking for new opportunities to increase reach and visibility. So here are the tips for best social media management any company may need.

  1. Double Check – There’s nothing quite like realizing there is a typo in a past after it has been posted for an hour. With this error your brand may look less intelligent, and it is very easy to avoid. Spell check is your friend and keep a toll to recognize such errors.
  2. Use Images – To increase the engagement on social media platforms, images are the best tool.
  3. Don’t Link Your Own Posts – A wrong message can be sent if link your own posts and it may look little tacky as well. Let the users connect with you and your organic content.
  4. Post at Prime Times – Keep in mind the prime time, means time matters a lot in social media. When posting the content on social media do research and post at times when your audience is most active online. Think of the audience you are trying to reach, and what their schedules might be like when considering post times.
  5. Use Incentives – Contest and promotions of multiple types can help and encourage your users to be active and to engage with your content.
  6. Have a sense of Humor – Prefer being natural while interacting with audience. Be human! People like to feel like there’s an actual person behind the keyboard.
  7. Stay Safe – Frequently change your passwords and remove admins from your page who no longer have an article role in your company. Stay up to date on the latest malware and bugs.
  8. Avoid Controversy – Avoid topics like religion and politics unless you are ready to face backlash.

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Analyze Website Traffic Using Google Analytics

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There are often situations where either we or our clients want to know the ways through which they can track the performance of URLs they have been redirecting to a different page. If we are running a marketing campaign, the task of measuring the performance of a landing page or tracking conversion rates and tracing our redirects could provide a wealth of information to push the traffic on our business goals.

But the problem is Google Analytics is not able to track what redirect traffic comes through, rather it only gives the raw traffic numbers to the page without tracking if any URL redirected people to it.

Use of Google Analytics: The process of using Google Analytics to see the traffic sources of a specific page in our Google Analytics account is so easy.

To start, we have to Log into the Google Analytics account and navigate to Behavior > Site Content. From there, we can choose whether to view the traffic sources of all our website’s pages or the exit pages.

Here is the process to view the traffic sources of our site’s landing pages which is important as these are the pages which many visitors will land on first while visiting our site.

The next step would be navigate to secondary Dimension > Acquisition > Source/Medium. Here we will see a list of our website’s landing pages complete with the source of our site’s traffic which is the place where visitors were before clicking on the website and also the medium, which is the ways how our visitors arrived at the site.

Creating segments in Google Analytics to view traffic sources: By using the segments feature in Google Analytics, we can track the traffic stats of a specific web page. This method is more advanced and will give us a more detailed look at the traffic sources of specific pages on our website. The Google Analytics Behavior report only provides us a collective view of all our traffic sources by breaking it down into direct, organic and referral traffic.

Although this is helpful but Google Analytics segments can break our traffic sources down even further such as we can also see when the site’s traffic comes from paid traffic sources or social media sources.

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Instagram Marketing Strategies

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We all are very well aware about the significant impact of different social media platforms in driving traffic to our sites and among all social media platforms, Instagram is becoming the most popular and efficient platform on world wide web. An Instagram marketing strategy is a prominent marketing tool for businesses if we want to get the most out of our social media marketing.

It is the popular social app that has over 800 million total monthly active users and if our brand does not have a business profile on Instagram, we are definitely missing a lot for our websites.

Here are some Instagram marketing strategies through which we can drive the more quality traffic on our site:

Developing content strategy: There is no doubt that content is the basic foundation of our Instagram presence and that’s why numerous B2C businesses are using Instagram to make their product and services star of the show while B2B companies generally concentrates on company culture and team recruitment as it is the right approach to showcase our brand to maximum people.

Use of Hash tags: In addition to the images, hash tags are the most important element of our post. While captions are helpful in telling the story behind the images, hash tags allows us to get images seen by those outside our current sphere of followers.

Right filters: Keyword hash tags are not the only criteria to pay attention; it also includes certain photo filters on which Instagram community respond and it is more favorably than others. By using these preferred filters, we can have the significant impact on our engagement.

Two way communication portal: Only the task of posting photos and videos and giving opportunity of interaction to the users is not enough, we should rather start interacting with them. it is a prominent opportunity to market our brand as well as our audience is going to be reading our comments.

Be a part of Instagram community: We can the best of using Instagram if we use it to form relationships with other users as with all social networking. It is not only about posting pictures in our own little vacuum, rather it is about participating in forming community around photos.

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Social Media Content Calendar

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As we know that social media is an efficient and all time promising tool for increasing traffic on our blogs and sites so why we are posting updates only when we are online? It is the perfect reason to start a social media calendar. Through the use of third party scheduling and social media management tools, we would be able to manage multiple social media accounts and always have content going online at different times.

This is a great idea to make sure that our older content is always getting a fresh and consistent flow of click activity. It can help us in visualizing all our planned posts for the next weeks or months ahead.

How to Prepare Social Media Calendar:

Step 1: Categories: At the time of creating our sharing schedule, it helps us with a list of post types that we would like to share on a regular basis especially if we are sharing several types of updates such as:

  • Conversation starters
  • Blog Posts
  • Quotes
  • Re-sharing
  • Images or videos etc

Step 2: Categories Placement: After having the categories, we have to decide the time to share the content such as blog posts might be share don Tuesday and videos on Wednesday.

Step 3: Regular Updates: This is one of the most fun and exciting part of the social media calendar which come up with all the content we will be sharing in the coming months or weeks and if we write our updates as far into the future, we can have them for our entire category.

Step 4: Special Events: As we know that the year is full of special events in addition to the regular posts so it will be great if we would plan ahead for them so that we can make sure not to miss them as well as create more excitement and opportunities around them. We should write our posts for those events so that we could diminish the rule of forgetting or missing one. There are some special events we might consider covering such as:

  • Holidays especially which are relevant to our industry.
  • Product Launches
  • Announcements
  • Met ups etc.

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Social Media Supports SEO

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Social media plays an important role in increasing traffic and engaging users on our website. These two are essentially interrelated strategies that concentrate on building an appealing identity that is able to attract the visitors. As the social media relies on high quality content and also a visible and strong brand presence, the efforts we spend on SEO can be improved through our social media reach.

Here are some points which prove that social media supports SEO.

Publishing of creative, inspiring and informative content: Knowing about our visitors and use that information helps us in succeeding in our business activities. As a business owner, we need to educate, inform and entertain with our content. It has to be creative and informative and should be capable of attracting the users. This contributes to moving our marketing wheels. By taking all these ideas into consideration, we can create this type of content.

Shared content increases link authority: We must publish creative and inspiring content so that those who relate to it could share it with others. These important content links will provide an online tool to our users to attract others to our movement or cause. We should publish our content only those sites which are being used by most of the users. We should also know our customers as it will help us in socially network.

Social media following increases while website gain traffic: Immediately after publishing a blog post, we promote it on social media and also share it with each of our network; we get a certain number of clicks for each share. If we share the content again a third time, the traffic more than doubles. So the point is that more often we share, more likely we are to get clicks.

Community grows around brand: By using the social media content in our company’s unique way, we can easily grow our community around our brand. In order to build community in social media, we must admit our mistakes as people who admit their mistakes and faults; they build up a higher level of trust. If we also build a personal communication plan, it will enable us to stay engaged with our community.

Building authority with social media interactions reinforces reputation: When our users and potential customers identify and like the way we brand our business, they actually feel secure visiting and also see our content as credible, reliable and desired. The more users visit our site, the more Google sees our site as providing quality content. It is very helpful in ranking our site easier. If we increase our reputation on social media through the increased engagement and high quality content, it will lead to the increased online brand presence.

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Increasing Sales with Twitter Analytic

Increasing Sales with Twitter Analytic

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Try not to fear, in the event that you can’t stand the pace of web-based social networking, it’s simple on the off chance that you do it the correct way. Different online networking instruments increase the value of an advertising technique, likewise, Twitter is the most effective device to delve profoundly into the objective market.

Before we make an arrangement to streamline the media technique, we should investigate some eye-popping realities about the supreme online networking observing apparatus Twitter.

  1. Unique 36 million month to month guests.
  2. 288 million month to month and 100 million day by day dynamic clients.
  3. Average 170 minutes for each month spent on tweets.
  4. Average 208 supporters for every client.

The most effective method to get Twitter Analytics

The current take off of Twitter’s local investigation stage made it less difficult than any time in recent memory. Presently you can get some quality information immediately from your tweets.

A vital online networking examination gives you a chance to streamline your tweets so you can adjust them to the business objectives. Numerous apparatuses are accessible to quantify your exercises, through which you can settle on better choices for your further posts, as:

  • Which of your tweets individuals are sharing?
  • Which joins are performing great on your posts?
  • Does your promoting really bode well?
  • How numerous clients are diverting to your site?

With such web-based social networking measurements, you can without much of a stretch envision your development. Be that as it may, remember, utilizing Twitter as an advertising procedure and acing Twitter examination to expand the leads are two distinct things. To help the weak methodology, you have to center around the later one.

Ventures to get more from the information behind tweets

The huge number of devices to bring the investigation will be of no utilization on the off chance that you don’t take after a vital move. So as to center on the present market patterns, underneath steps are vital:

  1. Characterize your objective: You should center on the enthusiasm of your devotees since contemplates demonstrate that 80% of individuals take after brands to get to elite substance. Investigate the main 5-10 premiums of your adherents and utilize them to make your social objectives that will inevitably thrive the business objectives.
  2. Find what to quantify: Each metric has some business advantage related to it, for example:
  • Brand mindfulness can be estimated by the number of new devotees and retweets.
  • The growth of your intended interest group can be estimated with tweet reach and impressions.
  • A number of snaps to your site can give you an understanding of offers and transformations.
  1. It’s a short time: An unmistakable time span would be extraordinary to watch the exercises. Try not to squander your opportunity to break down the measurements consistently, make a week after week arrangement to track here and now advance while a 3-month design will be useful to quantify your long haul achievement.
  2. Take compelling Actions: Analytics can add a considerable measure to your online methodology, yet in the event that such measurements bombs, all you require is to enhance your arrangement of activities. Distinguish your shortcoming and afterward plunge into the investigation; definitely, the number of adherents will rise.

At present, publicizing and hashtags are interrelated, and shockingly, over 20% of ads contained a hashtag amid the current year’s Super Bowl. Discover which labels work best for you and watch out for Tweet come to, these are the most supportive information that positively boosts the client engagement.

On the off chance that you haven’t aced the expertise of enhancing the enormous information, at that point be a brilliant advertiser and get a proficient guide to producing more leads by means of Twitter investigation.

A Twitter examination is the most effective device to recognize the shortcoming in a media technique. Recognize your goals and take activities to enhance your promoting endeavors.

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Twitter – A Wonderful Platform for Promoting Business.

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Twitter a wonderful social networking platform which was exploded by US bloggers in 2006. It involves the tittle-tattle from celebrities, for entrepreneurs and also provides a fantastic opportunity for business promotion too. Read on to know in detail that how small and big companies are using it for their business promotion.


1. Using Proper Keyword
Using the right keywords in your biography is Key to the registration process. You have to be clever though as like every other areas of Twitter you’re restricted in the number of characters you can use. Most members use various search engines to track down relevant people to follow so use search terms you think will be popular. If you’re targeting SMEs for instance include ‘small businesses, ‘small businesses’, ‘SMEs’, ‘entrepreneurs’ etc. Equally if you’re after clients or customers in a particular locality include that as a keyword.

2. Respond to others
Like other online communities such as forums and groups, the key to making the most of Twitter is demonstrating that you’re an expert in your field. Keep an eye out for particular issues you could help with by scanning tweets or using a Twitter search engine. If people recognize that you know what you’re talking about and you’re willing to offer bits of advice for free they are much more likely to do business with you.

And don’t forget to check the ‘@replies’ section on the right hand side of your Twitter page. This lists the members who have tweeted directly at you so you can respond. You could also type your username into a Twitter search engine to see whether there are people who you aren’t following have been talking about you.

3. Tweet on regular basis
Ensuring you tweet on a regular basis is key to building a good community. One way to make sure this happens even when you’re busy doing other things is using a service which sets up pre-scheduled tweets for particular times in the future. There are several sites which allow you to do it but our favorite is Hoot Suite.

4. Adding a human element
To avoid perceptions of a faceless organization, adding a human element to your tweets is very necessary as it will build personality around your business. Like Del computer business representatives for instance post under their real names plus the company – e.g. RichardatDELL which is a great idea. You should also post about non-business issues too although avoid anything too salacious or very personal.

5. Keep People busy
As well as responding to other people’s questions you should also ask some of your own, this can keep them busy. You can’t know everything and it will encourage some community interaction. You could also use it to do a bit of market research and ask questions directly related to your business or sector.

6. Every character counts
With important things to say and only 140 characters in which to say it, it’s important you’re as succinct as possible while at the same time getting your point across. If you’re including links to your or other people’s websites use a service such as or which allow you to shorten URLs. Other services like and also allow you to track how many people click on your links.