Category Archives: Blogging

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Providing Best Online Customer Support is Essential

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If we want to engage the prospective customers, then we would need efficient and effective online customer support. Customers only become loyal to a particular brand if they could meet their needs constantly as well as they are guided in the right direction. In addition to this, they perceive a good client to a brand relationship.

By implementing the efficient online customer support, we can impact the overall success of our business.

Read on few tips through which we can make efficient online customer support:

Consider the consistent support: At the time of introducing another support channel, we must ensure that our brand will have a consistent voice on every platform. As a company, we must ensure that our support team will give the same answers and advice on every platform.

Our support team should have the knowledge about the products and services and they should be taught the ways of diagnosing and solving the problems with ease.

Time factor is important: One of the most important features of online customer support is that support team must be capable in giving the instant access to the customers. We should always ensure that we are having someone who is informative as well as helpful on duty. The goal of the live chat as a part of the customer support initiative is to allow the customer to have direct contact with the support team.

Security is on top: We must explain to our clients that live chat option is not a platform where the security sensitive information could be shared. Customers should be given a chance to share this information through telephone or a secured web form. We should alert them that they do not share the personal information or any kinds of account details or card numbers.

Do not push the conversation: If we are using a call-to-action button in order to start a chat, then our client must be aware of the offered assistance. It is helpful for the users in order to alert them that we are available and ready to assist or they need any help. But if we push the conversation, it could scare the potential customers.

Avoid technical terms: At the time of communicating with the customers, they should not trust on the jargons or technical terms. We must educate our clients the way of communicating clearly with easy to understand phrases. Large chunk of the information should be broke into the smaller sections.

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Native Apps v/s Web Apps

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If we explain our clients about the significant differences between the Native Apps and Web Apps, it will be really helpful for them to know what they need in fact in terms of saving time and money.

Native Mobile Apps: These apps are developed particularly for a special mobile device as well as are installed directly onto the device itself. Users can download the app through app stores like Apple App store, Google Play store etc.

They are built for specific mobile operating system like Apple IOS or Android IOS. App which is made for the Apple IOS will not be able to work on Android IOS and vice-versa.


• Native mobile apps can also be used offline due to which they are faster to open as well can be access anytime.
• They give the opportunity to the user for using the device-specific hand gestures.
• They are good at performance as they can store information locally and can synchronise with the server after the user is done by using the app.


• Native mobile apps are more expensive in order to develop especially when it needs to be compatible along with multiple operating systems and that’s why it can multiply the development cost.
• App maintenance cost is higher.
• Use of this app is contingent on the desire of the user in order to download and install the app onto their mobile device.

Mobile Web Apps: These apps are basically internet enabled applications which are accessible through the web browser of the mobile device. There is no necessity to download and install the app onto mobile for accessing it.
These apps are written as web pages in HTML and CSS along with the interactive parts in JavaScript or similar languages, which mean that single web app, can also be used on most of the devices which are capable of surfing the web.


• They are immediately accessible by the users through a browser across a range of devices such as Android, I phone etc.
• These apps are much easier in order to update or maintain by the developer.
• They are also easier for users in order to discover the pages which can be displayed in search results.


• They have limited scope in terms of accessing a mobile device’s features is concerned.
• Web apps are unavailable when offline.

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Steps to Register a Successful Domain Name

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If we are establishing our online presence and reaching to the visitors, then the task of registering the domain name is the key step towards this. Domain names are those web addresses that tell the visitors location to find our online business. Most of the people do not know that domain names are also one of the most powerful tools in order to build the successful online business.

Read below to get on the way to a successful website:

What is our preferred route? As we all know that our website will be made along with a series of files, so there is a necessity of place in order to store those files. It can be done with our own computer without any hosting service or we can stir them another company’s servers along with a hosting service.

Decide a hosting service: We should choose a service for the purpose of hosting our websites or go with the services which we already have. We should always consider a reputable one which also includes or These hosting services work with the ICANN database which is an in charge of the keeping track of all domain names.

Use of availability checker: There is a necessity to use an availability checker for our website where we can type in the domain name we want as well as they can tell us if it is available or suggest the alternatives if it isn’t.

Selection of other services: After finding an available domain name, we should select it and follow the instructions for that particular service. By doing this, we will have the opportunity to add on other services which host also provides. We should choose the best one.

Fill the forms: After that, it will ask for a bunch of information from us. It is important to register with the WHOIS database where we are required to list their information as this information can be made public or we can choose to keep in private.

Pay them: As we all know that websites are not free. So we have to enter payment information as well as make it sure it is correct. This is a good idea in order to choose a reputable site as they will have our payment information.

Use of tools: After registration with them, we can start using tools in order to upload stuff to our site.

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Trend of Brutalism in Web Design

Trend of Brutalism in Web Design

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Every day we hear about a number of practices which we can apply to web design but now there is a growing trend in websites which is breaking the industry standard and a more proactive approach known as Brutalist web design. It can also be defined as a functional and “raw” visual aesthetics which is highly influenced by graphic design as well as abandons many trademarks of typical web designs such as headers and footers or conventional menu navigation.

This is a trend which is trending over the internet and not creating clean and tidy websites which would be easy to use as it is quite opposite. In simple words, brutalism in web design uses colors, bold and unusual shapes and layouts along with typography which is generally clumsy and oversized.

There are some brutalism web designs trends which have gain traction over the past years and even Bloomberg has adopted this style in its own way. The name “Brutalism” has been taken from the “brutalist architecture” that features buildings with the large blocks of exposed concrete.

The designers of these sites can display pages intentionally which appear unpolished as well as it can often be uncomfortable for most of the people and users for interacting with. This new style is kind of a welcome response to the generic design practices as well as conventions which typify most of the template based websites.

There are some other features in brutalist web design which include use of basic system fonts, overly large imagery, handwritten HTML as well as unusual scroll and hover effects with web safe colors. It is completely outside the confines of existing accepted design patterns and that’s why many developers are considering these kinds of humorous websites which provides the opportunities for unique user experiences.

But at the moment, it is a down movement but it has got some attention from the users. As soon as the popularity for this unconventional approach is increasing, more retail brands are adopting these brutalist techniques.

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Blur Effect in Blur Design

Blur Effect in Blur Design

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The obscured impact can flawlessly mix into the web composition.

Ornamental Background

Together with full-screen photograph foundations, every now and again utilized for site enrichments, obscure foundations have discovered their specialty in present-day web architecture. This beautiful impact likewise has a reasonable esteem: by obscuring one protest, it conveys center to another. Along these lines, on the off chance that you need to stress your subject and let the foundation well enough alone for the center, the obscuring strategy is the best arrangement.

The site for Trellis Farm utilizes a famous picture of a ranch to give guests a feeling of place for its site. For included intrigue, the photograph is layered with an incredible typeface to catch a guest’s eye. The obscure is decent in light of the fact that it enables the guest to center around the content and the following moves to make on the screen.

Dynamic Image Loading

As present-day pages stack an ever-increasing number of pictures, it’s great to think about their stacking procedure, since it influences execution and client encounter. Utilizing obscure impact you can make a dynamic picture stacking impact. One great case is, which obscures the post picture cover and additionally pictures inside the post content until the point when the picture is completely stacked. To start with, it stacks a little foggy picture (thumbnail) and after that makes a change to the last picture.

This procedure has two advantages:

It encourages you to serve diverse pictures sizes relying upon the gadget that makes the solicitations, upgrading the heaviness of the page.

The thumbnails are little (only a couple of kilobytes) which joined with the foggy impact takes into account a superior placeholder than a strong shading, without giving up the payload.

On the off chance that you need to duplicate this impact on your site see the Resources and Tutorials segment.
Testing Websites’ Visual Hierarchy

The obscure impact can be utilized as a visual plan strategy as well as a decent testing system for page visual chain of importance.

An obscure test is a fast method to enable you to decide whether your client’s eye is really going where you need it to go. You should simply, take a screen capture of your site and include a 5– 10 px Gaussian obscure in Photoshop. Take a gander at an obscured adaptation of your page and see what components emerge. On the off chance that you don’t care for what’s anticipating, you have to return and make a few updates.

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Impact of Geometry in Web Design

Impact of Geometry in Web Design

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Geometry is the visual study of the shapes, sizes, patterns, and positions which simply occurs in all kinds of cultures through these all activities by the human such as:

Building various structures

Machines or motion


Various art patterns


But the concept of geometry is more than these described points above. For the purpose of understanding the geometric shapes, we first need to know about the organic shapes. Almost everything we notice in our daily life is an organic shape which means that it naturally occurs. Imperfect, irregular or asymmetrical are some other ways of describing these organic shapes. While on the other hand, geometric shapes are uniform and they consist of straight lines and curves.

These geometric shapes can occur naturally in rare and beautiful occasions such as in the form of snowflakes, crystals, and diamonds. In addition to this, geometric shapes have to be designed digitally through a design tool that may be the reason behind incorporating a diamond.


Lines and shapes can be used in order to intuitively guide users as they often make their way with the help of websites such as call-to-action buttons.

These geometric shapes are being used in order to contain vital content such as text or imagery that needs to be highlighted to users.

These are helpful in making a website look more appealing without any overpowering the website design.

Geometric shapes can also be used in order to build a visual identity and that’s why they are becoming more and more common in web designing and they have low bandwidth consumption in comparison to the heavy photos which are generally more detailed and take more time to download.

Use of geometric shapes in web design:

Geometric patterns are big on attention grabbing so we should use a combination of shapes if it is necessary.

We should mix and match the shapes and patterns as certain shapes can complement each other so it should be used wisely. We should make sure that we are using the right colors for helping in creating the right impression.

In general terms, shapes have their own meaning which is associated with it. These shapes can effectively be utilized in website design in order to bring about a stimulus in visitors.

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Blur Effects in Modern UI Designs

Blur Effects in Modern UI Designs

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Blur Effects for Mobile Apps

At the point when Apple presented iOS 8, it increased current standards for application outline, particularly when it came to on-screen impacts. A standout amongst the most noteworthy changes was the utilization of obscure all through, most quite in Control Center; when you swipe up from the base edge of a screen you uncover the Control Center, and the foundation is obscured. This obscure happens in an intelligent manner, as you control it totally with the development of your finger.

Apple moved further toward this path with the most recent adaptation of iOS which utilizes 3D Touch for the electric lamp, camera, mini-computer and clock symbols. At the point when a client’s hand pushes on those symbols, ongoing obscure impact happens.

Obscure Technique Has The Following Benefits For Modern Mobile Interfaces:

Influence User to stream Obvious

Obscure impacts take into account a specific measure of play inside the layers and chain of the importance of an interface, particularly for versatile applications. It’s an extremely proficient arrangement when working with layered UI since it gives the client a reasonable comprehension of a versatile application’s client stream.

The Yahoo Weather application for iOS shows a photograph of each climate area, and the fundamental climate information you require is promptly noticeable, with more definite information just a solitary tap away. Instead of cover the photograph with another UI layer, the application keeps you in setting after you tap — the nitty gritty data is effectively uncovered, and the photograph stays out of sight.

Coordinate the User’s Attention

People tend to focus on objects that are in center and disregard questions that aren’t. It’s a characteristic outcome of how our eyes function, known as settlement reflex. Application architects can utilize it to obscure immaterial things on the screen with an end goal to coordinate a client’s consideration straightforwardly to the profitable substance or basic controls. The Tweetbot application utilizes obscure to attract clients consideration regarding what should be centered around; the foundation is scarcely conspicuous, while the attention is on data about records and suggestion to take action catches.

Make Overlaid Text Legible

The reason for the content in your application is to set up an unmistakable association between the application and client, and also to enable your clients to achieve their objectives. Typography assumes an essential part in this procedure, as great typography makes the demonstration of perusing easy, while poor typography turns clients off.

Keeping in mind the end goal to expand the coherence of content, you have to make an appropriate differentiation between the content and foundation. Obscure gives fashioners an ideal chance to make overlaid content readable — they can basically obscure a piece of the basic picture. In the case beneath, you can see an eatery feed which includes the nearest eateries to the client. Quickly, your consideration goes to the eatery pictures as they highlight an obscured obscure with content overlay.

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New ideas for Content to get from

New ideas for Content to get from

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In the period of wire and system where content advertising is the main showcasing left, a crisp enticing and normal substance holds plentiful significance. Perusers now are extremely speedy in perusing or watching the substance on their mobiles.

In this manner, requiring the scholars to be quick and savvy enough to get new thoughts and create them with their imagination. I know concocting another and great substance thought each day is a testing and tedious process.
Subsequently, here are 5 distinctive manners by which finding another and important substance thought won’t be such an errand.

Peruse Reddit: If you have never perused Reddit at that point do it once, It can be an effective thought sourcing instrument in your substance advertising methodology. Peruse the accumulation of themes in your field and see what has been upvoted this while. Haul out the pertinent substance thought, read it subreddit and wiki pages if exists and add them to your notes.

LinkedIn and Facebook: LinkedIn and Facebook have extremely developed mainstream over a most recent couple of years where individuals open it initially to search for any contact, thought or data. There are various gatherings exist on these stages where individuals talk about an assortment of themes. Contingent upon your industry, you can join these gatherings, add to the discourses, realize what is more discussed and build up your next thought from that point.

Conceptualizing: The most seasoned of method yet at the same time the best one. You simply need to sit with a paper and pen and time yourself for a settled 10 or 20 minutes. In this time whatever strikes a chord, record it on paper. Compose all that you can consider, doesn’t make a difference pertinent or superfluous then when the clock goes off, study and endeavor to work if any thought can be produced from your scribblings on paper.

Contenders: Keeping an eye on contenders is shall regardless of the business you are composing for. They are another best source to get thoughts from. I am not saying that you duplicate from them but rather you can discover motivation from that point. For instance, read their post, assess the remarks composed by perusers there. Presently observe, if there is any discontent in the peruser’s remark or anything which you feel is vital and not touched upon, can be produced into your new substance thought.

Old substance: Getting another substance thought from old posts ought to likewise be attempted once.Go through your old reviews and perceive how they can be utilized to compose another article. Possibly the old review can be utilized to set up another examination article or chances are there that you have taken in a great deal in the wake of distributing that old article, in this way, now you can refresh it, change it and make another subject.

Now and again risks are there that without acknowledging you happen to answer a similar inquiry over and over in your blog remarks area. Thus, look at this area as well as you never know whether some new subject harvests up.

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Customer Tracking Technology

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Online stores are getting increasingly ubiquity among clients, and their security is a major purpose for it. This has given a vibe of uncertainty to the physical stores as they are losing the hold. Presently, to coordinate with the pace of online stores, certifiable stores too have connected another procedure to enhance their security. Furthermore, this is finished with the joint effort with the client’s PDA.

A large portion of the stores out there utilize camcorders to record the exercises of the clients, however, it is without a doubt an obsolete procedure. Proceeding, the stores began following the clients with their mobile phone organize, and when the client ranges to the store’s WiFi framework. Nearby, the stores likewise monitor returning guests by their cell phones.

The innovation has an incredible significance from a stock perspective. They would now be able to distinguish the client’s advantage, the time they spent in the store or the divisions they more inclined to visit. Then again, the client’s excessively are getting handier with it, as the stores have begun distinguishing them and their advantage and began serving appropriately.

While obtaining on the web, we see commonly that the clients get a brisk reaction for their coveted things, in the event that they are general clients of the store. The new innovation will help store proprietors to win the trust of the clients, or even by offering them a couple of different things by recognizing their advantage. There are a few worries from the client’s side, however, the innovation is in its beginning stage and it will get client’s trust without a doubt.