Category Archives: Blogging

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In order to compete in this highly competitive market, many business owners generally find themselves in dilemma with their digital marketing campaign specially on deciding particular tool to use and focus on. There are several sources on website traffic available out there but some do not know which is better?

When it comes to increase traffic to our site, mainly there are two methods which are SEO and PPC. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is basically a way to optimize our site so that our site can be raked up on top of search engines based on some keywords we want to rank.

PPC (Pay Per Click) is through the third party for creating traffic and Google Adverd is the most popular one. There are a few elements that can help us in determining the right for our website. Here is the comparison:

Benefits of SEO:

User-Friendly Websites: SEO is really helpful for the business owners in creating a faster, smoother and user friendly website. SEO is all about improving user experience too. If there is a well-structured, clean and uncluttered website, it would compel the user to stay longer which will be helpful in decreasing the bounce rate and increasing page views.

Bring More Customers: Websites enable us to stand out from our competitors and increase our customer base. An SEO optimized website will be helpful in bringing more customers and grow faster than businesses that do not have one.

Better Conversions Rates: As SEO optimized websites loads faster and easy to read and surf, they can display properly in almost all types of devices such as mobile or tablets. They are easy to navigate and can get more attention of users.

Website Recognition: This is the one of benefits of getting higher rankings on the SERPs tools when our site display on the first page of search engines such as Google, Yahoo etc. due to this, our potential customers will more trust on our brand instead of other brands that do not have a strong we presence.

Benefits of PPC:

Fast Results: PPC is the efficient and fast way for adverting campaign and get the instant results. In simple words, if we have a website running, we can create an adverd account, setup our ads and run them in Google network and start getting traffic.

Measurable Results: Through the PPC, we have a clear measurable target. We can measure anything related to the PPC campaign from costs, profiles, views etc. we can also know how much we spend or generating profit or loss.

No more SEO: This is the best thing about PPC is that once we create profitable campaigns, we do not need to worry about Google and the changes they are doing to their ranking algorithms.

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Breaking the Grid Can be Memorable Experiences

Breaking the Grid Can be Memorable Experiences

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The developers who are looking for building the memorable experiences for online stores, balancing creative design with the function user interface is quite a challenge. Most of the clients desire for the site that is helpful in making their products stand out and simultaneously performing in the same way in which the customers wants.

Many established page layouts that rely on the grids are the norm for the most websites but some designers are experimenting by breaking the grids in order to introduce dynamic effects as well as grab the customer’s attention.
Although the traditional grid layouts are worldwide a site that attempts to presents a unique experience can enhance the visibility of the brand as well as boost conversions.

Grid and reasons to break it: We need to learn about the grid itself before breaking it as well as aware of its benefits and drawbacks. In simple words, a grid is a structure through which text and images can be arranged on the screen. The main purpose of the grid is to establish a rhythm and framework for the organization of elements.

Numerous websites which we visit use grids in order to ensure the text, images and white space along with buttons arrangements and sizes which are relative to each other. They are helpful in providing a guideline when designers are wireframing their pages as well as it also defines a visual language which enables users for understanding the content and navigating a website.

Ways for breaking the grid: Designers and developer who approach to the grid rather than an absolute rule, they have the opportunity to perform something different as well as bringing their client’s personality into the design.

Here are a few techniques which we can consider at the time of performing the task of broken grids:

Unusual positioning: The easiest way to break a grid is to position the elements in such a way that are non-relative to each other as well as do not follow a linear layout. By searching many ways in order to arrange the images and texts on a page, designers have the opportunity to build impressive pages which ignore tradition in favor of inventiveness.

Layers should be considered: If we are having the different layering elements on a page, it can give a pleasing collage effect as well as break the grid without sacrificing the unity. When the elements are clustered or overlapped, they would feel connected and can be interpreted as main object.

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What is Material Design?

What is Material Design?

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One of the ongoing patterns in web innovation, the Material outline is unmistakably the following enormous thing in web architecture patterns. With Google in the driver’s seat, it appears like the material plan is before long to wind up the rationalist’s stone of UI and UX patterns. The number of sites, applications, and diversions which use the material outline standards are developing continuously.

Be that as it may, is this style an outright favorable position? Will it fit into present-day website composition measures, and work for all reasons and gatherings of people? In this article, we will attempt to characterize the real livens and blemishes of material outline, and see what it’s great for.

Where does it originate from?

The material outline was conceived in a battle to join the best highlights of two web advancement patterns: skeuomorphism and level.


Website composition began with depicting this present reality component on the web. Catches, symbols, and pictograms in early website architecture took after their prefigurations from reality. It was a legitimate arrangement at the time, on the grounds that such similarities were well-known to general clients. Early forms of the iOS show this thought impeccably.

This outline style came to be known as skeuomorphism. Skeuomorphism is rich with genuine analogies, which is great regarding UX. In any case, as far as UI, numerous subtle elements seem superfluous and diverting to the client.
Skeuomorphism stayed over patterns in website architecture for a long time, however with the development of versatile stages, skeuomorphic highlights had a tendency to meddle with flexibility and stacking time enhancement. That is the reason an approach towards unification and straightforwardness was looked for.


In iOS 7, Apple recommended the Flat interface outline. A progressive approach was picked rather than developmental, which brought about relinquishing past thoughts, regardless of whether they had solid focuses. To numerous outline specialists, Flat was a stage back in ease of use, in light of the fact that many activity signals have been lost.

For instance, as indicated by pertinent investigations, here are the fundamental factors by which the client decides whether the protest is interactive:

Traditional markers (blue underlined content, embellished catches)

The similarity to customary markers (underlined content of custom shading, the message inside a square)

Contextual content (words or short expressions are seen as menus)

As one of the current trends in web improvement, level outline drifts regularly overlooks these markers, which negatively affects ease of use. That is the reason level interests to cutting edge clients with great Internet education while being less natural for normal clients since numerous skeuomorphic illustrations are deserted.

● Material

The material outline is a trade-off amongst skeuomorphism and level. Material outline holds the effortlessness of level (component unification, consideration holders, stacking speed), however, upgrades it through incomplete rebound to true illustrations.

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What is exactly GDPR?

What is exactly GDPR?

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The web is buzzing about GDPR and it’s something that site proprietors can’t overlook. While GDPR is centred on sites overhauling the EU, actually, for all intents and purposes any site, anyplace on the planet should be worried about this decision since such a significant number of us take into account individuals around the world.

The battle with WordPress isn’t the execution, however WordPress’ client base. While WordPress gives better CMS bolster than clients from solopreneurs to big business associations, by far most of WordPress’ center client base is people and private ventures.

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation, otherwise known as “GDPR” is an EU direction concentrating on information security and security for all people inside the European Union. Not just that, it tends to the fare of individual information outside the EU.

This implies GDPR isn’t only an EU issue. It applies all over.

The GDPR points principally to offer control to inhabitants over their own information and to improve the administrative condition for worldwide business.

It was embraced on April 14, 2016, and winds up enforceable on May 25, 2018. There was a two-year change period.
The GDPR replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive. Since GDPR is a control it doesn’t require national governments to pass any empowering enactment and is specifically official and pertinent.

Who Does GDPR Govern?

Everybody who gathers any sort of individual information. This direction has a sweeping geographic extension.
Article 3 of the GDPR says that on the off chance that you gather individual information or social data from somebody in an EU nation, your organization is liable to the prerequisites of the GDPR.

To start with, the law just applies if the information subjects, otherwise known as customers, are in the EU when the information is gathered. This bodes well. EU laws apply in the EU. For EU subjects outside the EU when the information is gathered, the GDPR would not make a difference.

Second, a budgetary exchange doesn’t need to occur for the stretched out the extent of the law to kick in. In the event that the association just gathers “individual information”, or “by and by identifiable data”, as a feature of an advertising study or blog membership for instance, at that point the information would need to be secured as noted in the GDPR.

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Motion Design is Future of UI

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One of the necessary components of a website or an app is a good design. It is really crucial as it is helpful in designing a good user interface and that’s why it provides a better user experience. It enables us to increase our reach to more numbers of users so that they could navigate easily on our app or website.

A good app or website consists of multiple elements such as colors, fonts, space and icons. Earlier, the static design was used but nowadays, the trend of motion design is quite popular as they can help in bringing the digital products to life.

In addition to these, this design can also implement into them. If they have used correctly, it could be more powerful in comparison to the other elements. It can also enable the user for understanding the solution by showing them the happening after a certain action as well as guide them also into the action’s destination.

Through these motion designs, different relationship between the element can be highlighted and hide the background action. We can also use this between the screens thereby we could inform them that they are leaving the old user interface as well as progressing to the new interface.

Through the proper implementation of the motion, it can also be used for telling our story in the simple and easy way. These different transitions can amaze the users as well as lift them excited. It is very helpful in complimenting our design as well as brand identity.

Through this, we can enhance user interaction as it adds an extra dimension of time into our designs and helpful in bridging the gap between human and software. It can enhance the usability. These designs can incorporate a number of elements into it. These are shapes, text, lines, illustrations, and photography as well as 3D objects, video and many more.

All of these kinds of elements can be animated in motion UI design for these reasons:
• System status in order to load indicators and notification.
• Navigations and transmitters can be used for the hierarchy and connection between the elements, function change as well as other such effects.
• Visual feedback for acknowledgment as well as results of the actions.

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Difference between UI and UX

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In such an aggressive world (there is a ferocious competition in each area), one thing that can separate you from the opposition is the manner by which you influence your clients to feel about your image, application, site or anything by any stretch of the imagination. Client experience and client interface have turned out to be important to the point that an item’s prosperity or disappointment is reliant on these two elements.

Since clients have such a large number of choices thus less time, it is basic for organizations to get the User interface outline (UI) and client encounter right the first run through. This is one reason organizations are putting more accentuation on the vibe and the ease of use (simplicity of utilizing) of the item. Your item, application or site could be the best as far as the highlights it has yet in the event that it doesn’t have the correct feel to it, it will confront a part of difficulties in being effective. The understanding is very necessary with the change from traditional acceptance to digital innovation.

UI Design (UI)

UI configuration is about the item’s realistic and visual introduction. It is a procedure that can be depicted as helping the client through the interface. UI configuration essentially chooses that it is so natural to utilize the item, particularly for any advanced interface. The contrast between website specialist and UI architect is lessening, website specialists are UI planners who can code. Clients are requesting for intuitive interfaces and as said before, the accomplishment of any item is needy vigorously on UI outline. UI configuration is about the look and feel of the item.

Client Experience Design (UX)

In spite of the fact that UI design and User experience (UX) plan are firmly related, UX configuration is more about the examination on would could it be that clients are searching for in an item, what is being offered by the contenders and what can be enhanced regarding the general understanding of the item. UX configuration does not really expect one to be a coder. Be that as it may, a UX originator is associated with each period of item improvement lifecycle or programming advancement lifecycle, testing the item at each stage.

In view of the tremendous request of UX and UI architect, this field has risen as a field with massive openings and anybody inspired by this innovative field can figure out how to be a great UI/UX creator/designer.

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Digital Video Editing

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With the home computer becoming more powerful and the fall in prices of digital video cameras, amateur digital video editing is becoming more and more attainable to the average person. Online series such as Pure Pwnage and Red vs. Blue are examples of these.

Hard Discussion of Hardware
• The good
• The bad
• The ugly

What everyone loves
Apple Final Cut Pro $1000
• The good: it is extremely broad and deep feature set as it has fully customizable industry-standard interface, strong real-time capabilities and excellent value.
• The bad: it is tough learning curve for beginners and casual users, as it requires a powerful Mac system. It has no multicamera support.
• The bottom line: If you are ready for advanced video editing and you have a Mac G4 or better, look no further.

What I Love

Ulead Media Studio Pro $250
• The good: it is power-packed application suite as it has advanced features and deep options. It has fast tape scan to DV-clip index and real-time preview.
• The bad: it is busy and inconsistent interface and has complex settings for even simple tasks.
• The bottom line: This is a great tool for experimentalists who want to tweak under the hood for more power and better performance.

What is In the future?

Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5
• Apparently the best for pc video editing.
• It is soon closing in on the competition from Apple and Avid.

Miniatures and other applications:

A commonly used technique used with the blue screen effect is to build a miniature and film it on a blue screen. Using this you can create castles and spaceships from household items. With 3D modeling, the techniques are similar to those used with miniatures.

The future and Machinima

• Creating movies with video games.
• With a screen capture and some editing software people are creating entertaining and popular video series available free from the net.
• Movie contests held by Blizzard using Wow

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Start Using Web Notification Today

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Web push notifications are those clickable messages which appear on the desktop of a computer. On our smart phones, we often receive a push notification which can be an incoming text or reminder to return to the app etc. so the concept of push notification is nothing new.

Mobile apps notification turned to be a highly efficient means of user re-engagement and this idea has been also implemented for websites and it is becoming a new web development trend.

Through this, the user visits a website and he is offered to enable a push notification. Then he will be notified of any kinds of changes on the websites even after he has closed the website. The major benefit of having this technology is that we can keep the user engaged without any big efforts.

Reach to maximum visitors: One of the main reasons to have web notifications unlike other website communication tools is that these can reach to our audiences even when they are not actively using our website as well as bring them back to our site. If someone is online, then through web notifications, we can reach to them which are a big advantage no other website communication tool offers.

Grab attention of more visitors: Through the web notification, we would be able to get the attention of more casual browsers as they will not have to go all in and give us their email address.

Creation of web notifications is quicker: like all other push notification, these web push notifications are short and sweet as well as quick and easy to send whereas good emails require time as well as crafting of high quality subject lines. With the help of web notifications, we can get information in front of our web visitors fast.

No e-mail address is required: For the purpose of communicating with our audience through browser notifications, we do not need to collect an e-mail address. This is the huge opportunity for creating an ongoing communication channel with anonymous visitors.

Protection of website’s investments: If we have invested in a website, our focus will be attracting more customers on the page. web notifications give us another chance to establish the ongoing connection with the customer or potential customer.

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Single Page Websites Are Good for SEO

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Today in the web development, the trend of single page websites is increasing rapidly. Numerous companies are choosing them instead of multi pages sites in order to fulfill the requirement of their businesses. But here, one question arises that does the design of the website really impact the SEO? Or they could affect the chances of ranking with the Google.

Read on some pros and cons of single pages websites and its impact on SEO:


Better mobile experience: As we all know that today a number of people are using mobiles in terms of searching anything such as web searches which is one of the benefits to have a single page website. They can typically convert much easier to the mobiles as well as users in finding them simple to navigate.

Easy to target particular audience: They are great tool for those who are looking to target a specific website audience as well as these websites can provide them a definite type of user experience. The task of controlling their behavior on our site is easier and we could steer them in particular direction.

Higher page authority: Links one of the important factors which are able to determine the ranking of the website as well as benefit for single page website is that every link acquired will point to the main URL.


No wide keyword targeting: This is one of the drawbacks of having a single page website as they are generally supposed to be designed around the one main concept that limits our ability to rank for a wide variety of keywords. The multi page websites have a benefit that every page on their website is a new opportunity to position for targeting an audience specific to page theme.

Lack of details: Another drawback of single page websites is that the content which is published on them is generally not as particular as published on multi pages websites. We do not have the opportunity to devote a separate page for each topic which we want to cover rather than all the information needs to be presented on one page.

No advanced SEO strategies: There are few SEO strategies along with best practices which simply will not work on the single page site in which one is known as “siloing”. It is the practice of structuring our website into main areas of interest in order to demonstrate authority in these areas.

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Static v/s Dynamic Website Design

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Websites are the collection of web pages which can contain texts, images as well as audio and videos. The first page of websites is known as home page and each website has some specific internet address (URL) which we need to enter in our browser in order to access a website.

Website is hosted on one or more servers through which they can be accessed by visiting its homepages by using a computer network. Websites are managed by their owners which can be individual or any company or organization.

A website has two types:
• Static website
• Dynamic website

Static websites: They are the basic type of the websites which are easy to create and we do not need the knowledge of web programming as well as databases designs for the purpose of creating a static website. Their web pages are coded in HTML. These codes are fixed for each of the pages so that the information which contained in a page does not change as well as it looks like a printed page.

Dynamic websites: These kinds of websites are the collection of the dynamic web pages whose content can be changed dynamically. Content can be accessed from the databases or Content management system. That’s why the content of the website is also altered and updated when we alter or update the content of the database.

These websites use client side scripting or server side scripting or both in order to generate dynamic content. Clint side scripting is able to generate content at the client computer on the basis of the user input. The web browser downloads the web pages from the server and after that it processes the code within the page in order to render the information to the user.

We can understand the difference between the static website and dynamic website through these points:

• In Static website, prebuilt content is same every time when the page is loaded. But in Dynamic websites, content is generated immediately and changes regularly.
Static website uses the HTML code for developing the website and Dynamic website uses the server side languages such as JSP, ASP and NET etc. for developing a website.
Static websites can send exactly the same response for every request but Dynamic website can generate various HTML for each of the request.
• In static website, content is changed after publishing and updating the file but in Dynamic websites, the page contains server side code which allows the server for generating unique content.