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Blog Is an Important Business Branding tool

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Blog or Web log is a publicly accessible personal journal, where an individual shares his experiences, feelings and thoughts. But, today scenario has changes a lot. Now, it has become a well known marketing strategy followed by all types of business owners to catch up with tough online competition. Powerful online presence is necessary for business growth; it leaves a great impact of your brand in local and international market. Read on to know in detail that why blogging is still important when you have a website too.

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Drives traffic to the business website
Having a business website is just not done! Traffic leading this site is very important. There should be some reasons that users should be attracted towards your website. Informative and relevant content uploaded on blogs helps in attracting the customers. It also motivates them to know more about the business through your website.

Building Good relationships with customers
Making sales is not the motto of any big or small company. For becoming a well-known brand in the market all look for establishing good relationship with the customers. Trust is the key of such long-term relationships, which is build when you work to satisfy customers. They can trust you when they know more about you. Blogging gives you a chance to endorse your services or products and also helps in promotion of the website.

Attracting new potential clients
Exiting customers are connected to your company through the blog. They can share their problems here and you can provide them solutions too. But, besides keeping good relationship with customer’s attaching new clients is also equally important. For which you need to show that how potential you are providing solutions and how much you are connected to them.

Helps with Search Engine Optimization
SEO is a proven way of increasing traffic towards website. Proper keywords and links that can help in good search engine rankings can be incorporated through blogs. Blog helps in optimizing web pages. Websites which are regularly updated through blogs are more relevant according to search engines like Google and Yahoo.

Builds Credibility
Social media has changed the internet world a lot. Number of companies rely on this and have abandoned blogging practically. But, it’s a mistake. Social media is a good platform which helps in promoting interaction and connecting with customers. But, it cannot help in building trust and credibility.

In the end Blog can be considered an ideal platform for generating business by building relationships. It can be recommended as a key element for branding.