Tag Archives: Visual Content

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Newsletters: A Great tool to interact with your Customers.

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Interacting regularly with online customers helps in driving initial business and also keeps clients over time. For special sales businesses need to communicate with prospects and customers on regular basis. In this competitive world you have to keep an eye on what activities can help you in adding a value. Newsletters, visual content, social media and many more help in reaching the target and here we have discussed in detail that how newsletters can help in building solid relationships with customers.


Newsletters keep you connected with your client even when it is not at all possible. When you are busy with some important assignment or even out of the town for holidays, then through newsletters your clients can know about you recent activities and you don’t need to panic at all. For audience interaction newsletter marketing is an effective tool. For a 2 way conversation content and format of the newsletter should be proper. It is very necessary for you to understand what customers are expecting and newsletter can help you in that. Feedback from clients can be used for improvement in the areas which your clients are expecting.

Customers who get a feeling that they are instantly heard start trusting you and this strengthens your relationship with them. Comment sections, surveys, etc can promote interaction. Communication frequency matters a lot in this case. The secret to not annoying your customers is to ensure that all your communication is relevant, authentic, and valuable.

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10 Powerful Reasons to include Visual Content on your Website

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Colorful pictures are always impressive and attract the reader towards content. Since childhood we love to learn things in a visual way. Visual content helps in connecting people to the topic as it looks like. It promotes deeper thinking; this is reason it attracts more leads, readers and customers. Read on to know how visual content can help your website.

Orca- Visual Content

Here we have listed some results of the survey that can help you in understanding better:
1. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.
2. 40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text
3. 46.1% of people say a website’s design is the number one criterion for discerning the credibility of the company
4. Posts with videos attract 3 times more inbound links than plain text posts.
5. 37% of Pinterest account holders log in a few times every week; 28% said they log in a few times a month; 15% log in once daily; 10% log in numerous times a day
6. 98% of people surveyed with a Pinterest account said they also have a Facebook and/or Twitter account
7. 85% of the US internet audience watches videos online. The 25-34 age group watches the most online videos, and adult males spend 40% more time watching videos on the internet than females
8. 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter every minute.
9. 25 million smartphone users stream 4 hours of mobile video per month. 75% of smartphone users watch videos on their phones, 26% of whom use video at least once a day.
10. Mobile video subscription is expected to hit $16 billion in revenue by 2014, with over 500 million subscribers.

Thus, it is very clear from the above figures that trend of adding visual content will continue to grow in the coming years. So, if you are promoting your business through your website, then don’t forget to add the relevant visual content, as it can really matter a lot.