Tag Archives: SERP

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Google Vs Yahoo

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Google Vs Yahoo, battle between world’s most popular social media search engines is in air from times. Two of the world’s largest internet companies are always competing to provide the best search results for users. 1 Billion Active users are registered every month on Google, while 800 Million users are counted for Yahoo. Google counts ca. 12 Billion queries monthly and Yahoo only 3 Billion, In the USA. Although both the search engines have their own utility, but users love to know about every title and battle related to these competitors.

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Google and Yahoo are users favorite search engines and most of website owners try their best to get first position on the SERP of these engines. But, there are some basic differences, just check them.

Indexing is a process which is followed on every page of the website by different search engines. Only those pages appear on the SERP which undergo this process. Visitors won’t be able to see your site and you will be lost somewhere behind. To be indexed, website owners need to ping each search engine web directory. The comparison for indexing speed of Google and Yahoo resulted in figures that conclude that indexing speed of Google is faster than Yahoo.

Simplicity in Design and Speed Access
Design and speed at which the user gets the result matters a lot! Complicated designs with quite complex views are not liked by all types of people and simple style is always the priority. Everyone needs quick results, so here Google is again the winner. Users have speed access here and they don’t have to wait for the search results being displayed. Yahoo in comparison to Google looks more complicated. In addition, a longer access time is also often expressed by the visitors.

Relevant information
Most of the users look for websites which can give them relevant information about their topic. It should have quality content that can serve the purpose. Website that only contains a collection of ads and keywords is typically less noticed by the user. Sophisticated algorithms of Google help it in selecting the best content which is full of information. Yahoo lags behind Goggle in this case.

In case of relevance of the search results, Google is much superior to Yahoo or even the other search engines.

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Ways to create SEO Standard Content

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Search Engine Optimization or SEO, most of the web users might have read this term somewhere, but are not too much concerned about it. Most of Bloggers emphasize on writing unique and engaging content, they don’t know how SEO can affect SERP in Google or other search engines. And those who have a fair knowledge of some SEO activities usually write longer content and focus on key words too. So here we discussed some important factors that can help in creating SEO standard content.

SEO Perfect Company

Role of content in SEO is very prominent and content which meet the standards has a great preference. Occupying top position in SERP becomes a little difficult if you are not having a article with good content. Due to a high bounce rate the blog will decline the position. If the visitors can’t find the related information in the blog, they will never visit it again. This is the reason that some blogs experience significant downgrades. Check out some of these criteria’s that can help in creating SEO standard content:

Unique and Quality Content
Uniqueness and quality matters a lot in case of content for websites. High quality content without grammatical mistakes, good English can be helpful to the user actually. So try to write engaging and informative content.

Add Visuals like Videos or pictures
Most of the bloggers use images for enhancing the appearance of their websites, but this is a wrong practice. Because visitors come to the site for the information they want. So try to add that visuals which can really help them in understanding the details. Don’t forget to provide ALT tags with keywords with images that match the topics in the article. This is all related to image optimization.

Focus on Keywords
Adding proper keywords is very important while working on SEO of your site. From starting of the article till the end of it, enter the keywords naturally. Avoid spamming activities like keywords stuffing that is putting too many keywords.

The title of the article is the initial information about the contents so it should be carefully chosen. Focus on keyword and make the article more descriptive so that it can actually represent the message behind.Reference links

Related Pages should be linked
One more way to work on SEO is inserting related links on other pages. Reference links can connect different pages and the user can easily connect to the page, he wants to visit. Thus number of clicks on your website will be automatically increased.