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Easy Online Tools for Small Businesses

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Small businesses leave no stone unturned to keep their growth trajectory upwards. But, due to limited resources all owners fail to do so. Ups and downs related to it make it more complex. A number of factors like staffing resources, finance, new competitors and technology and many more determine small business success. But, besides this there are some easily-manageable tools too, that can be used for business growth. Read on to know about them in detail.

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E-MAIL MARKETING: Email marketing helps in building strong customer relationships by targeting audience. It is a wonderful a strategic tool that helps in building strong band that accelerates fresh sale. Other direct marketing efforts are directly augmented through this. The free version of this software allows at add up to 2000 names to your lists.

BOOKKEEPING – E-COMMERCE: E-commerce is a growing trend which has eliminated many time-consuming activities like paperwork. Cost of doing business is also reduced to a considerable extent by cutting short the expenditures of stationary and other things. The losses occurring due to indirect data entry or the processing errors are also reduced by use of automated bookkeeping. So, you can do a good business without a team of staff members too.

WEBINARS: For webinars and teleseminars Free Conferencing.com is a great program. Up to 1000 people on the call can be handled easily through this way. Showing and sharing screens becomes much easier through this. This also records the seminar too.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Role of Social Media in growing business needs no explanation. As we can see small and big companies all using Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn to promote their businesses. People build their professional network and through this they get connected to number of people across the globe.

WEBSITES, BLOGS and POSTS: Websites, Blogs and Posts are the easiest ways of promoting business. Your clients remain connected to you through this. Content posted on websites and blogs help you in telling customers about the services you offer.