Tag Archives: voice

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Things about your business, which can be promoted through official blogs.

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Web blog or Blog posts are usually a series of regular entries created by blogger. Blog software can be easily used by anyone who has a good knowledge of web. You just have to link to resources, write your thoughts and post them. Business communities are continuously using bogs for official purposes. Blogs is an effective way of sharing about company’s expertise, building additional web traffic, and connecting with potential customers. Read on to know in detail about them.


Blog one of the most valuable tools for sharing timely and relevant information with customers that keeps them connected with you. It serves like a direct communication channel. Blog works like a fuel for SEO. Valuable content is of prime importance for search engines and will reward you for it.Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, email newsletters, e-books, etc all are benefited by posting blog posts.

Blogging gives a voice to your company. It is a platform where you can talk about your services, new products, and share company initiatives beyond your website or comment on timely news topics or market trends. You can share your expertise here. Your customers can also leave comments or the suggestions about your services, which can help in the betterment. You can shine your brand personality through continuous efforts here.

Two-way conversation with customers, prospects and industry peers is created once you maintain a blog. Feedback, comments, interaction all this helps you in being focused on content marketing strategy. Small businesses get a chance to share their knowledge and expertise with a larger audience. Free PR is created through blogging. You try to remain as leader instead of being a follower.

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Why should we Vote?

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No matter it’s a college campus or staff room of the school or the cafeteria of an office, we can hear the whispers related to elections.  Although I am wrong to call these whispers actually these are discussions which can last for hours.   We cannot end with a common view on this topic. Everyone is free to give his opinion, but still some people leave their decision for others and ignore going to a polling booth.

Election is the time to elect the government we deserve. So, why not take a step forward and do something that can really help us. Read on to know why voting is important for every individual.


Every single Vote Matters
Many people have this misconception that a single vote doesn’t matter. They think that their vote is not significant. But, this is not the way to justify their apathy; we have seen a number of elections decided by a single vote.  And there are other cases too when a vote was tied and the results were declared by a coin flip. So your vote can change the decision, take it seriously.

Your vote is your voice
We are leaving in a democratic country, where everyone has the right to speak and right to elect the government of our choice. Voting is a way to prove that what we really want in our country for us. That is the type of education system, health care, social security, etc. Your vote reflects your preferences, what you want from the elected officials. It’s a way of defending your personal social agenda.

Vote for your children
Voting proves that you are an ideal citizen and encourages civil responsibility too. Future of the next generation depends on our decisions in a number of ways. What we choose today can have impact on their life too. Our children’s can‘t vote and they want us to represent their voices regarding their issues related to school, housing etc.

Vote for the leaders who fought for our freedom
History reveals the names of several soldiers who fought to make our country democratic. They fought to give us the right to vote. They did their work and it’s our turn now. Voting is simply a way of honoring freedom fighters.

Vote for the taxes you pay
We pay money as taxes to get different types of services like police and road. The leaders we elect decide that how much tax we need to pay for specific projects like property tax or sales tax etc.

Vote to Prove that you are really concerned
Voting gives you credibility. It sets you as an example. It proves that you are really concerned about the issues of your country or society and you are looking for a change. If you have strong feelings you can propose things for changes. You can preserve your civil rights also. It gives us a chance to make a difference in our life and in the world too.

So, It’s a time to put all talks into action – Time to Vote!!!!!