Tag Archives: New Technology

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Things to remember Before Developing a Website

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As soon as the technology is getting advanced, the need of online presence is also increasing for many businesses so that they could be successful among their competitors in this day and age. For this purpose, having a website is really important but for many people, the task of building a website is not so easy as they do not have skills to build that.

The fact that the work involved with building a successful website should be done upfront. Here are some steps which need to be taken before you should begin building a website:

Choose a Domain and Host: Great domain names say so much about a website so it needs to accurately reflect our brand’s voice and they should be easily spell by the users. The task of choosing the right name for our brand is significant as inculcating SEO, simple selling and brand identity into the domain name leads to the higher possibilities of being located in search engine results.

Technology and Purpose: Choosing the right technology in eh building of new successful website is one of the things that developers need to perform very quickly.

In addition to this, the main purpose of our business should also be kept in mind while developing a website as different kinds of websites have different purposes depending on the intended audience.

Color and Layouts: We should consider color for our websites very carefully for background, highlights or banners or texts etc. as they are very subjective and sometimes can evoke opposite emotions in people. They can also have different meanings in different cultures.

Simultaneously, the layout of the website is equally important as it takes mere seconds for a visitor to decide if they like our site enough to stay or not.

Sitemap: It can be an effective tool for the designer and non-designers alike. It is a focused planning tool that can be helpful in organizing and clarifying the content needs to be on our site.

Content: Strong and original content has the ability to attract and influence the visitors on our website. In order to successfully target our audience, the content must be unique and has some sense of freshness.

Audience: The essential step towards building a high converting website is to identify our target audience. Knowing our target audience and ideal customers is essential as they have a huge influence on our web design and will help us in making the perfect website.

Advertisements and Pop-up Messages: Advertisements and pop-up messages are the new concern by the developers as they have an impact on web design but they should not be used in excess as it si the most annoying thing for most of the users.

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New Technology Google Glass

New Technology Google Glass

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The most recent child in the innovation world is Google Glass, an application that is equipped for distinguishing individuals with the garments, eyeglasses or different frill they wear. The application is planned with the assistance of InSight framework.

How can it function?

It is altogether in view of pictures, which are taken at a specific time. A progression of photos of the individual is taken and the application at that point stores every one of the photos in a record known as a spatiogram. The record stores the hues and examples of the individual’s garments, and different frill. This blend is later utilized by Google Glass to recognize the individual and the name of the individual can be then shown on the Google Glass handset.

There are countless frameworks accessible in the market that can recognize a man with the assistance of face acknowledgment, however, this application stands a stage ahead as it will likewise work if the individual is remaining at a far separation or have their backs turned and the face can’t be seen. It was as of late tried and the outcomes were extremely acknowledging, as the application prevailing to give a right answer at 93 percent occasions.

One of the fundamental preferences and objectives of this application is to recognize companions and known individuals in airplane terminals, stadiums or at other swarmed territories. There is only one impediment this application has, as it is dependent upon what a man is right now wearing. When the individual puts on something else, or different extras, Google Glass is not any more ready to recognize him. It implies the application is useful for only a day or night. However, it is additionally a constructive edge as it guarantees the security of the individual.