SEO in 2018

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SEO in 2018

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Similar to all other technologies, the field of SEO is also evolving and if our business is not taking the advantages of using new SEO strategies on our websites as well as blogs and social media, then definitely we are missing out a lot in terms of ranking our business in internet searches.

SEO is one of the most effective ways in order to ensure our customer find our business and buy our products and services. It is the constantly evolving technique that needs a good understanding as well as knowledge of latest improvements in the ranking schemes. Here we are sharing some SEO trends or changes that are impacting their work this year:

Content and Links: There is no secret that link building and quality content are the most important factors in SEO. Link building basically a process of getting links from other websites and nowadays content plays an important role in this process. Not every type of content will provide us the back links.

SEO in 2018 focuses on creating quality, valuable content that is engaging numerous visitors and likely to be linked to. In addition to this, we must get our content in front of right people by distributing it through the right channels.

Rank Brain and User Experience Signals: Rank Brain is also one of the most important factors in SEO along with content and link building. It may be difficult to optimize for the Rank Brain but that does not mean it is impossible.

We should make it clear to search engines and users what our content is about and why it is created and make it consistent. We must go for fresh content and use a natural quality language. User experience also matters a lot as when users interact with our business or organization via website, application, it helps in SEO ranking.

Voice Search: The concept of voice search has gained the mileage as it is more convenient for the users in order to speak with an assistant than to type. Its results are also faster. There are very some god reasons to want voice search data.

Optimizing for the voice search requires slightly different tactics from those for traditional SEO. It could also help us with better experience for those searching by voice.

Video Marketing: It is the great tool in SEO marketing this year. Ranking in the Google’s first page is the top priority in SEO and if we have pages with video are more likely to rank on the first page of Google Search Engines.

Mobile First Index: Mobile version of our websites is the starting point for what Google include in their index. It our site does not have the mobile friendly version, the desktop site can still be included in the index but it impact negatively on our site’s ranking.