Importance Of Responsive Web Design

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Importance Of Responsive Web Design

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Rapid increase in the use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets has overtaken the desktop as the primary process of accessing the web. With excessive use of such devices led to the introduction of more mobile-friendly website. Every client aims at having responsive version of their website for smooth running on all devices. It is one of the most powerful modern concepts in the field of designing.

Before moving forward understanding of responsive website development is very essential as it is a technique for developing websites in a manner that all of the websites content, images and structure remain the same on any device. That refer a website can run pm any device like mobile, tablets and desktop screens etc.

With such technique handling users has became easy and reduce the workload for developing different website for different devices. Few reasons why it is of key importance for a client and website both?

  1. The use of mobile has increased a lot as it is one of the most portable and available device for the consumers. Such feature allowing the website to get opened on any device.
  2. Consumer experience is what matters when comes to impact of different website and it provides elegant and easy experience.
  3. Advantages of having responsive website will lead too much saving of time and money with minimum maintenance.
  4. The major factor which is affected by this technique is it improves SEO performance. SEO enables the website to be on top rank of search engines, qualifying the quality factor.
  5. One of the widely used sites are e-commerce and widely used devices are mobiles and around 9 out 10 are indulged using these two tools
  6. Around 6.8 billion people are using devices and websites and it reduces the page loading speed and thus helping increasing the rank of the website.

Today, anything that’s fixed and unresponsive isn’t web design, it’s something else. More reach to customers with development of web responsive design.