Tag Archives: Tweet

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Website Redesigning: Reasons to Do it today

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Now a day’s most of the people look at the Website, before starting a deal with anyone. Whether it’s a small or a very big company, all know very well that maintaining a website is very necessary for growing their business. Besides, this maintaining a good and updated website is also becoming very necessary. It may require good deal of consideration, time, and potential capital, for doing all this, but the upside is enormous.


Redesigning doesn’t mean that you need to change every single one of your branding and graphic design elements. It would involve some functional modifications that are involved in smooth functioning and can also help you in attending marketing goals. Read on to know in detail about the reasons, why you should go for it.

Output is not up to the mark
You find your website functional, gorgeous, and pixel-perfect, but still you are not getting the results you are expecting. Examine conversion rates of your site — visitor-to-lead and lead-to-customer typically being the most important — this can give make everything clear that what needs to be adjusted on it.

You want a responsive website
Usage of mobile web is growing by leaps and bounds, so to facilitate your clients, you need to make sure your website can be viewed on all types of devices, like desktops, laptops, tablets, and smart phones. Mobile friendly website can help you in reaching larger audience.

You want to incorporate Social media
Featuring social media through your web site is very important; you remain connected with a large number of people through this. Users can easily share, tweet, or pin your content through these social sharing tools.

Adding new functionality
If you want to add a blog, forums, e-commerce, or other major features or tools to your website, a redesign is probably in order. That way you can ensure that everything flows seamlessly throughout the website, and it won’t look like the new feature was just tacked on as an afterthought.

To keep it up-to-date
The web world is always changing, and web technology that was cool and cutting-edge a few years ago may be out-of-date today. You can take advantage of the latest technology that web-savvy users expect through this re-designed website.

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Twitter – A Wonderful Platform for Promoting Business.

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Twitter a wonderful social networking platform which was exploded by US bloggers in 2006. It involves the tittle-tattle from celebrities, for entrepreneurs and also provides a fantastic opportunity for business promotion too. Read on to know in detail that how small and big companies are using it for their business promotion.


1. Using Proper Keyword
Using the right keywords in your biography is Key to the registration process. You have to be clever though as like every other areas of Twitter you’re restricted in the number of characters you can use. Most members use various search engines to track down relevant people to follow so use search terms you think will be popular. If you’re targeting SMEs for instance include ‘small businesses, ‘small businesses’, ‘SMEs’, ‘entrepreneurs’ etc. Equally if you’re after clients or customers in a particular locality include that as a keyword.

2. Respond to others
Like other online communities such as forums and groups, the key to making the most of Twitter is demonstrating that you’re an expert in your field. Keep an eye out for particular issues you could help with by scanning tweets or using a Twitter search engine. If people recognize that you know what you’re talking about and you’re willing to offer bits of advice for free they are much more likely to do business with you.

And don’t forget to check the ‘@replies’ section on the right hand side of your Twitter page. This lists the members who have tweeted directly at you so you can respond. You could also type your username into a Twitter search engine to see whether there are people who you aren’t following have been talking about you.

3. Tweet on regular basis
Ensuring you tweet on a regular basis is key to building a good community. One way to make sure this happens even when you’re busy doing other things is using a service which sets up pre-scheduled tweets for particular times in the future. There are several sites which allow you to do it but our favorite is Hoot Suite.

4. Adding a human element
To avoid perceptions of a faceless organization, adding a human element to your tweets is very necessary as it will build personality around your business. Like Del computer business representatives for instance post under their real names plus the company – e.g. RichardatDELL which is a great idea. You should also post about non-business issues too although avoid anything too salacious or very personal.

5. Keep People busy
As well as responding to other people’s questions you should also ask some of your own, this can keep them busy. You can’t know everything and it will encourage some community interaction. You could also use it to do a bit of market research and ask questions directly related to your business or sector.

6. Every character counts
With important things to say and only 140 characters in which to say it, it’s important you’re as succinct as possible while at the same time getting your point across. If you’re including links to your or other people’s websites use a service such as TinyURL.com or is.gd which allow you to shorten URLs. Other services like ow.ly and bit.ly also allow you to track how many people click on your links.