Tag Archives: Pros

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Choosing the Right CMS is Important

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Whenever we are thinking about building or getting a new website, the task of having a visual look of the site is not that tough but what matters the most is its content which will be managed by effective content management system. So it is important to select the right CMS system.

CMS: In simple words, the content management system is the core of our site which allows us to manage and maintain our web content anything from the light editing of text, uploading pics or videos, adding pages or even whole section to the menu. Managing our site by using CMS does not need any technical knowhow such as HTML etc.

Pros of using right CMS: Having a good and quality content management system is the soul and heart of our site for ensuring the update and fresh content of our site. It includes SEO optimization, driving traffic to the site and getting more visitors.

Here some benefits of CMS:

Work efficiently: By choosing the right font or layout, it is easy to get lost in our computer screen and spend hours by building the optimized pages and sites in half of the time. Due to the right CMS, we do not have the time to waste on one individual aspect or another.

Standardized and uniform pages: As everyone have their own tests and preferences but using the several different styles on one site looks so sloppy and untidy while a CMS template keeps our site looking well-organized, well planned with all of those things. Complicated CSS can make our sites difficult to view on some devices but a CMS with templates ensure that our content will be readable on every site visitor’s screen

Smoother workflow: The sites with scratch does not offer smooth workflows and web designers and writers have to be in constant communication for publishing content but with CMS, we can leave the content to the content writers and simple templates allows them to plug content into the template and publish it themselves. They can easily insert links, texts styles, alt tags, title tags and meta tags.

Optimize the pages: Many CMS allows us to optimize our title, content depth, keywords, meta descriptions and calls to action all in single text fields.

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Parallax Scrolling Effects for Web Design

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Many web design trends may come and go but the parallax effect is one of them which stuck around and proved its relevancy in web design world. It has a great impact on the user interface design on both websites and mobile apps.
Basically parallax web design is to use of visual effects which are combined with 2D scrolling in order to create the illusion of depth and layers in the user’s experience. There is a use of different backgrounds and foregrounds designs in this concept that can move at the different speed for conveying the seamless online story through the scroll bar.


  • It encourages users for going through different levels of depth along with a sense of animation.
  • Through this, user is enabled for longer page visits as it generates curiosity in them which leads to scrolling through the entire design.
  • It also reflects our professionalism and higher level of creativity of our company which makes user to visit our site at once.


  • Although it has many advantages but it is not so good for the content heavy website and as a result, we face negligible or potentially negative organic SEO impacts.
  • The users with motion sickness may find themselves upset or disturbed.
  • The users who are not so much aware about the modern technologies or tech savvy may find our parallax web design as overly complicated as well as frustrating to go for any relevant information.
  • If there is a use of parallax scrolling, it demands for extra steps to address the responsive requirements
  • Some older browsers do not support or have a difficulty in rendering the parallax design and scrolling without heavily relying on libraries.
  • It could be considered too niche in order to be adopted on very large websites.

So the parallax design can be used in order to achieve many things in web design whether it is presenting our product in new and engaging ways or telling more vivid and interactive stories to our visitors. We can also get the direct feedback with parallax scrolling which is engaging and extremely motivating.

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Pros and Cons of Different WordPress Contact Forms

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Through the contact forms in websites, customers will be enable in sending a quick reply or email without spending too much time and we can resolve the issues as soon as possible. Contact forms are efficient in preventing spam and allow us to expand the way we interact with our customers.

The WordPress contact form plugins come in many forms so it would be essential to browse them through the comparison so that we can see which one is right for our website. Here are some pros and cons of multiple contact forms in WordPress:

Contact Form 7: Contact form 7 is one of the most popular solutions for adding contact forms to WordPress due to its lightweight and open source facility. Due to its popularity, they are well supported by the developers and also the WordPress community.

• It is lightweight with no unnecessary features.
• There is a boatload of extensions for adding functionality.
• It is highly customizable.

• It is not beginner’s friendly.
• We need to use custom CSS for all staying.

Jetpack: It is not only a contact form plugin rather it is a complete toolbox that can add heaps of functionality to our WordPress site. Along with its functionality, it can also help us in speeding up and securing our website as well as analyze traffic, add images and many more.

• We can create different forms for each post or page.
• We can get the access to lots of other helpful tools.

• If we do not want the added features, we may find it bloated.
• We have to manage them on per page as we do not have any dashboard to manage.

Ninja Forms: It is a user friendly tool for the beginners for the purpose of creating contact forms. This free plugin has more than enough power for most of the contact forms.

• Its user interface is most beginners friendly.
• We can also rearrange forms through the drag and drop.
• We are able to manage forms submissions directly from the dashboards.

• Some of the advanced functionality requires paid add-ons.

WP Forms: It is the most beginner friendly contact form which we can use on WP beginner and all other websites. They are both easy and powerful.

• It is available for free in the official WordPress plugin directory.
• It allows us to extend the functionality and build multi-page forms.
• We need to upgrade to Pro to unlock more powerful features.
• It does not have some other complex features.