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Google+ Tactics to Increase Traffic on Site

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Google+ is more than just a social media platform. It can be an amazing tool that can help us in boosting a website’s ranking on Google’s search engine. Although Google+ is a hugely underestimated content marketing tool but now it is a great way to increase our blog’s visibility across the web. Here are some essential points which we can consider while ranking through the Google+.

Link Google+ to blog home page: This is the first step in getting results from the Google+. We can connect our profile with our blog’s home page so that we could generate incredible results, which also include our photo next to the blog post links so that anyone can search for our name.

Consider circles: Circles will be very helpful in organizing the connections into the groups we interact with in our life such as family, friends, B2B, B2C, local etc. Through this, people can view our posts by circles as well as we can send posts to circles.

Hangouts on air: They are very helpful in increasing level of branding by enabling us to host webinars for free and if we perform Hangout on Air, Google+ streams it here and on YouTube as well as records the video and sends us the recording to our email.

Use of Hash tags: Google+ also offers hash tags to make searching simple for topics just like twitter and Facebook. It is a great way to get noticed not only inside Google+ but also in the world of Google search.

Link to our blog posts: It is important that whenever we have a new blog posts, we must link it from Google+ and make that post public. It will automatically publically available both inside Google+ and in Google search results.

Use of Ripples: Ripples are the most efficient but little known feature of Google+. It is helpful in identifying people who are sharing the public posts as well as how large an audience they have. It is an amazing tool to determine who has the power to spread our post to the wider users possible.

Long post inside the Google+: Long post get the most comments with a lot of links. We should write an amazing post and link back to our own blog for the additional resources. We must focus on the hash tags with relevant topics so that they could easily be found.