Tag Archives: Gender

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Social Media for Business – List of Benefits that Every Skeptic Should Know

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Social media is a wonderful tool for growing business and people are using it to considerable extent. As approaching thousands of followers in few seconds, becomes very easy through this platform.  Sharing content and other updates are the benefits of social media which all types of businesses enjoy.  For success and growth small businesses all over the world try to discover the ways social media can help them more. On the other hand there are skeptics who still don’t see or understand the benefits of social media for their business.  Read on to know in details about the benefits of social media this can turn skeptics into believers.  Check them in the list.

Social Media for Business

1.  Know about your audience through Social media
Understanding your audience is the key to success for any type of business in the industry. Social media makes this possible, and easier to accomplish than ever. There are a number of tools that can help in gathering the details like the age and gender, etc. This information in turn can help in organizing campaigns that can offer you a better investment return.

2. Targeting Audience in a effective way
Geo-targeting is an effective tool which can help you in targeting the specific group of people. This can be according to their age, gender, language, location, education, etc.

3. Social Media helps in finding new Customers
Twitter is a wonderful platform for this; it connects you with number of peoples to once. Here you can share each and every update.  Celebrities and other well known peoples stay connected with their fans with this.

4. Social Media gives you instant feedback from Customers
Whether it’s a positive or negative feedback from your client, social media instantly gives you an access to check that.  You get an insight of the customer perspective.

5. Beat your Competitors with Social Media
Website traffic and search ranking can be increased with the help of social media. This can help you in beating the competitors and generating leads.

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Five things that should not be posted on Face book

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One of the best platforms for social networking is Face book. Updating status, posting photos has kept engaged people of all the age and gender.  People love to share with their friends all about themselves, so they can remain connected with their near and dear ones. Most of the big and small companies all over the world use this networking platform for promotion of their business. We post tons of intimate details about our lives that we normally wouldn’t share with anyone. But, we actually don’t know that this useful network can be harmful to some extent too.

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We never know who’s really looking at our information on face book.  Our friend’s account and even our own can be hacked anytime. So to be on the safer side, there is some information that you should never post on Face book. Read on to know in detail that what things we should not post on face book or other social net working sites.

 1.    Birth Dates of you and your family members
“Happy birthday” wish from friends is loved by all. It makes us feel all warm inside knowing that people remembered and cared enough to write us a short note on our special day. When we list our birthday. The problem is when you list your birthday you are providing identity thieves with one of the 3 or 4 pieces of personal information that is needed to steal your identity. It’s best to not list the date at all, but if you must, at least leave out the year. Your real friends should know this info anyway.

2.    Relationship Status
Disclosing your relationship in public on Face book is not good from a number of points of view. Stalkers would love to know that you just became newly single. If by chance you change your status to “single” it gives them the green light they were looking for to resume stalking now that you’re back on the market. They would try to communicate more often with you. Leaving this blank on your profile can be the best part.

3.    Current place
Adding location that on your fb account can be dangerous in some cases. As it will help people to know that where you are all around the day. Besides this if you have told everyone that you are going for family vacations which mean that no one is in the house, and then thieves get a chance to plan a trip to your home. Once you are back from the vacations then you can upload all the vacation pictures.

4.    Never tag your Kids in the pictures you are posting
People love to post pics of their kids on face book, but actually this is not a good practice. We always like to keep or kids safe and for this we can do anything. Without even giving it a second thought, most people post hundreds of tagged pictures and videos of their kids to Face book.

Mostly people post their kids pictures and tag them and their friends, siblings, and other relatives. Predators could use this kind of information to lure your child. To build trust and convince they could use your child’s name and the names of their relatives. Kids are innocent and they really can’t judge them that they are strangers. They build a rapport with your child by telling them the names of their relatives.

5.    Home Address
Never post your residential address on face book, as thieves get a chance for their work and through this they can easily approach you.