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Facts about Cloud computing

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First of all, we should know about cloud computing. Cloud computing is a type of computing which functions on shared computing resources instead of having local servers or personal devices to handle various applications. In a simple language cloud computing takes services and making them move out from an organization’s firewall security. In this storage and other works are accessed through the web. These services are delivered over the internet and paid by the cloud customer.

Cloud computing is used in various services like, software development programs, storage and software over the web, which is cloud computing. Commonly there are three characteristics of cloud computing which is common among all cloud computing, they are as follows:

1) Cloud vendor manages the back-end of the application especially the hardware.
2) A user has to pay for services like memory, processing time and bandwidth.
3) Services can be scaled, means they are scalable.

Cloud computing is also related to virtualization. Cloud computing has the ability to pay on demand and quick scaling. Some organizations say that using cloud computing, data may be lost. These are the issues which are claimed by the companies. Cloud computing is still a new paradigm in the software companies. The naming of cloud computing is derived from the traditional use of cloud which represent the internet or WAN. Cloud computing is a term for delivering the hosted services over the internet. Cloud computing allows companies to consume a compute resource example virtual machine or storage.

Following are the characteristics and benefits of cloud computing:

1) It is self service provisioning: end users can compute resources for any type of workload on demand. This result in eliminating the traditional need for IT administrators to manage compute resources.

2) Its elasticity: companies scale up when demand is increasing and scale down when demand decreases. Doing this will eliminate the need for large investments.

3) Pay per use: you have to only pay for that, what you have clicked. Means your pay depends on your click.