Tag Archives: UI and UX Patterns

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Life Cycle of UX

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The concept of user experience is broad and any person who wants to practice UX design should possess skills in multiple fields. As a UX Designer, we have a range of techniques available to us and it is up to us which of these techniques we want to choose for appropriation.

As its core, the UX process consists of these following phases:

Strategy: Strategy is really important from the outset as it contributes to articulating the brand, guiding the principles and long-term vision of an organization. It will be very helpful in shaping the goals of our organization as well as concentrates on what our organization is hoping to achieve with this project and ways for its success for measurement.

Research: This phase can be variable between the projects. Difficult projects will comprise the significant user along with competitor activities rather small startup websites may avoid these research activities other than some informal interviews and a survey. The research phase is really essential to create an informed user experience.

Analysis: The main focus of the analysis is to draw insights from data collected at the time of the research phase. It includes capturing, organizing and making the inferences from the factors which can help UX designers in understanding to the reasons for its importance. Communicating the designer’s understanding back to the users will be helpful in confirming any assumptions which are being made are valid.

Design: This phase of the UX project is both collaborative and iterative. In collaborative terms, it involves input and ideas from different people while in iterative, it cycles back upon itself for validating ideas and assumptions. The main goal of the design phase is to put ideas in front of users, get back their feedback and refine them along with repeating. We can represent these with paper prototypes, branding or visual details.

Production: It is the place where high fidelity design is fleshed out, content along with digital assets are created as well as high fidelity version of the product is validated with the stakeholders and end users through the user testing sessions. In this, the role of UX designer shifts from creating and validating the ideas to collaborating with developers for guiding and champion the vision.

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What is Material Design?

What is Material Design?

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One of the ongoing patterns in web innovation, the Material outline is unmistakably the following enormous thing in web architecture patterns. With Google in the driver’s seat, it appears like the material plan is before long to wind up the rationalist’s stone of UI and UX patterns. The number of sites, applications, and diversions which use the material outline standards are developing continuously.

Be that as it may, is this style an outright favorable position? Will it fit into present-day website composition measures, and work for all reasons and gatherings of people? In this article, we will attempt to characterize the real livens and blemishes of material outline, and see what it’s great for.

Where does it originate from?

The material outline was conceived in a battle to join the best highlights of two web advancement patterns: skeuomorphism and level.


Website composition began with depicting this present reality component on the web. Catches, symbols, and pictograms in early website architecture took after their prefigurations from reality. It was a legitimate arrangement at the time, on the grounds that such similarities were well-known to general clients. Early forms of the iOS show this thought impeccably.

This outline style came to be known as skeuomorphism. Skeuomorphism is rich with genuine analogies, which is great regarding UX. In any case, as far as UI, numerous subtle elements seem superfluous and diverting to the client.
Skeuomorphism stayed over patterns in website architecture for a long time, however with the development of versatile stages, skeuomorphic highlights had a tendency to meddle with flexibility and stacking time enhancement. That is the reason an approach towards unification and straightforwardness was looked for.


In iOS 7, Apple recommended the Flat interface outline. A progressive approach was picked rather than developmental, which brought about relinquishing past thoughts, regardless of whether they had solid focuses. To numerous outline specialists, Flat was a stage back in ease of use, in light of the fact that many activity signals have been lost.

For instance, as indicated by pertinent investigations, here are the fundamental factors by which the client decides whether the protest is interactive:

Traditional markers (blue underlined content, embellished catches)

The similarity to customary markers (underlined content of custom shading, the message inside a square)

Contextual content (words or short expressions are seen as menus)

As one of the current trends in web improvement, level outline drifts regularly overlooks these markers, which negatively affects ease of use. That is the reason level interests to cutting edge clients with great Internet education while being less natural for normal clients since numerous skeuomorphic illustrations are deserted.

● Material

The material outline is a trade-off amongst skeuomorphism and level. Material outline holds the effortlessness of level (component unification, consideration holders, stacking speed), however, upgrades it through incomplete rebound to true illustrations.