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Tips to Improve Off-Page SEO

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Search Engine Optimization is one of the most significant and used techniques in order to improve the traffic to the website by getting high rank placements in Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) such as Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. SEO has two techniques for improving the website position in SERPs which are: On Page SEO and Off Page SEO.

Off Page SEO: It is very helpful in making our websites popular on the internet so that we can get more visibility. With these SEO techniques, we can improve our website in SERP.

Here are some SEO techniques which are very helpful in Off Page SEO:

Sharable Content: Amazing content is always the king in SEO. If we are creating amazing and sharable content, it will be the smart way for generating more and more natural back links to our website of blog.

Social Media Engagement: This is a major Off Page SEO technique and if we want to make our business as well as blogs and website popular, we should engage with the people on multiple social media platforms. It will help us in growing our business.

Video Submission: It will help us in making our videos popular through different popular video submission sites. Go for the proper title, tags and reference links in order to get quality back links as all video submission sites have high PR.

Image Submission: We can share our photos on the popular image submission websites. We should just optimize them with the correct URL and title tag and also check if they have proper title, description and tags.

Info graphic Submission: We can create info graphics as they are being popular on the internet these days. We can submit our info graphics on these sites and give reference links to our webpage and blog.

Document Sharing: We can create attractive documents related to our business or blogs. They should possess unique and should be in form of pdf or ppt formats. We can submit these on different sites.

Social Bookmarking sites: They are one of the platforms in order to promote our websites. When we bookmark our web page or blog post on popular bookmarking sites, we can gain high traffic to our websites.

Forum Submission: We should participate in the search forums which are related to the website and business and also can make a connection with that community.

Article submission: We should submit our articles in the high PR article submission directory. We can also give links to our sites. Content should be unique and of high quality.