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Latest Google AdWords Updates

Latest Google AdWords Updates

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Most recent Google AdWords Updates for 2018. Top News and AdWords refresh that will change Google AdWords crusade administration in 2018.

It has nearly turned into a pattern, that Google AdWords refreshes are dependable in the news inconsistently as Google has presented a few updates in Google AdWords. This is on account of Google has understood AdWords’ nonstop increment in prominence and its fixation in the hands of the enormous players. Here, you will discover the majority of the most recent Google AdWords updates, News, and highlights that have been presented in 2018.

Google AdWords Comes Up with Advanced Expanded Landing Page Report

With the new AdWords interface, publicists have begun encountering some new updates in 2018.
One of the most recent reports on AdWords is presenting the perspective of full detailing measurements for extended presentation page URLs. Presentation pages are the prime factor to get transformations from AdWords movement.
Along these lines, it is critical to audit the execution report of presentation pages for every URL (both Final URL and the Mobile Final URL). This component was accessible before yet, starting now and into the foreseeable future, you will likewise get the development of the greeting page URLs in a similar report.

Google Launches the New AdWords UI

Google has concocted another interface for AdWords. Numerous new highlights have been presented in the new UI. The motivation behind why publicists keep on toggling between the new and old UI is on the grounds that some essential highlights are absent from the new AdWords UI and these include:

• Display Remarketing Audiences

• Price Extensions

• Message Extensions

• Automated Extensions Report

• AdWords Lab

• Bid Adjustment for Targeting Methods

• Advanced Editing

• Business Data and Shared Library

Google AdWords Introduces Promotion Extension
One of the most recent updates of Google AdWords is Promotion Extension that has been included in ‘Advertisements & expansions’ tab.

It shows up with a label symbol on look content advertisements that causes the promotions to emerge on SERPs. It is something that can be very helpful for E-commerce locales. It can be utilized to exhibit a unique limited time deal or particular offers displayed by the site. The advantages of Promotion Extension are:

• It can expand the CTR of the advertisement by as much as 10%

• The limited time message in the advertisement may show up twice, once with the promotion duplicate and on the second event through the Promotion Extension.