Tag Archives: Flat UI Design

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Principles of Flat UI Design

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The trend of flat web design has been emerging since few years and also gaining the popularity as well. The big contribution behind its popularity is of the large companies and organizations that have changed their design aesthetics to the flat design. There is a combination of bright colors and amazing typography which leads to the trend of unique flat designs.

Flat Design: It is a flattened interface design that has stripped any illustration of the third dimension. The elements can be made to appear as they are lying on the some flat surface. The concept of shadows, gradients and glow effects are the non-flat design friendly. It is the easy version of the interface but its detailing is difficult.

Key Principles of Flat Designs: Not all the designers are considering the basic design principles at the time of working with flat designs but we can add a great user experience by creating the flat design and following the below principles:

Minimalistic Design: It can stand accurately opposite to the skeuomorphic design due to the minimalistic visual appearance of the design. There is no use of animations in the flat design as well as attractive UI elements and 3D effects.

Simple User Interface: In this design, there are simple shapes available for the designers like rectangle, circle, square etc for the purpose of integrating the several UI elements. The designers are able to use any shape for the best UI pattern.

Color and Typography: There are vibrant and bold color patterns included in this design rather than gradients, drop shadows and many other efficient design elements as they are not supported by the flat design. In addition to this, color schemes are too bright in comparison to the colors in skeuomorphic design.

No Depth: The 2D flat design has a great contribution in the era of depth web design. There are no drop shadows, strokes and other strong UI elements due to which designers are able to this task. This design basically focuses on the simplification of images.

Visual Hierarchy: Due to the lack of shadows, there is a lack of distinction between the different elements on the page and it makes it difficult for the users to click the elements of their choice.