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New Social Power Authority: – Pinterest

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Online business or social network is increasing with the better understanding search engine, now there is another pinterest, which is known to people but the use is not as spread as others. So there might be thought that it’s just another social network but think again.

Brand that are looking for PR exposure and ROI out of social media in 2018, there was a time when Facebook is frightening and, Instagram is flooded, Pinterest could be the perfect channel offering up some of the most attractive opportunities.

More power on Pinterest and less drama

Pinterest is second most famous used sites and app in U.S. and besides sharing photos, shopping products; it is the most popular social commerce platform among the social media users in the foreign states. For holiday shopping ideas and inspirations it is used, pinterest celebrates its birthday in 2010. The start was slow with just few thousands users compared to Instagram’s millions.

The history is getting marked by another social network “pinterest.” Variety of options are available on pinterest that will interest every person like fashion, home, garden, and DIY projects, which are most of the popular theme and any brand (even B2B) to reap the quality traffic, engagement and brand exposure.

Every organization on pinterest’s has their stat’s organized showing upgraded results when working on it for their business. For maximizing the opportunity, know your limits and combine the power of SEO and social ads and the push Pinterest content with certain tips.

Basics of Pinterests’

Username – It can be characters from 3-30 long and without spaces, symbols or punctuation.
About You Section – It has 160 keywords and each character is countable so it is preferred to use keywords instead of long description.

Board Names – You can add upto 100 characters, but think twice about being cute and vague as this will not help the search results.

Board Description – Sums of 500 characters are available and make sure to fill this out with keywords that count and think SEO for Pinterest.

Pin Description Limit – Pin description has 500 characters limit and here you can add links and hastags. This is an important step as it will be beneficial for adding meta tags on your blog/website as Pinterest friendly.

Max Number of Boards – you can include 500 boards and it includes secret boards and group boards that aren’t created by you.

Pins Limit – The limit for pin is 200,000 because it includes secret pins and your pins on group boards you didn’t create. This doesn’t include other people’s pins on group boards you created.